Illegal work at the European Parliament

La solicitud fue exitosa.

Dear European Parliament,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

Dear European Parliament,

- Number of staff employed by or at the European Parliament, found during checks to be ineligible to work in the EU, over the period of the last five years

My address is 313, Norman Shaw North, House of Commons SW1A 0AA

Yours faithfully,

Lee Rotherham

Yours faithfully,

Lee Rotherham

AccesDocs, Parlamento Europeo

Dear Mr Rotherham,

On 13 October 2016 you made a request to Parliament for information rather than for specific documents.

In view of the above, we have forwarded your request to the appropriate service for response.

You will receive an answer from Parliament in due time.

Kind regards,

European Parliament
Directorate-General for Parliamentary Research Services
Directorate for the Library

Public Register webpage
[email address]

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AskEP, Parlamento Europeo

GEDA A(2016)12417



Dear Mr Rotherham,


The Citizens’ Enquiries Unit of the European Parliament has been asked to
reply to your request for further information with regard to the number of
employed staff found during checks to be ineligible to work in the EU,
notably staff employed by or at the European Parliament, over the period
of the last five years.


We would inform you that initial eligibility checks on recruitment of the
different categories of staff, covered by the [1]Staff Regulations of
Officials and the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the
European Economic Community and the European Atomic Energy Community (last
amended by Regulation No 1023/2013, notably Article 28) are performed by
the recruitment units of the  Parliament’s Directorate-General for
Personnel (DG PERS).


In this regard, the eligibility of employed staff working in the European
Union is specifically covered by these checks, as staff, in order to be
employed by the European Parliament need to prove their eligibility before
signing their contract or being recruited as an official. Please also
refer to the [2]General Rules regarding Open Competitions or the
[3]Important Documents webpage of the European Personnel Selection
Office’s website.

Ex-post checks on personnel files are performed by the Financial Resources
Management and Controls Unit of DG PERS, which is among many other tasks
dealing with the verification and control of staff expenditure. Based on a
risk assessment, its work is carried out in the framework of the Financial
Regulation (last amended by Regulation 547/2014). During the last five
years, these checks revealed no cases where a staff member was found
ineligible to work.


Furthermore, conditions for staff of external contractors, who are
employed at the European Parliament, are laid down in the relevant
contracts and tender documents for the specific work undertaken. The
contracting departments manage the correct implementation of these


We thank you for contacting the European Parliament.


Yours sincerely,


Citizens' Enquiries Unit



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Enquiries Unit of the European Parliament is not legally binding.


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Incoming emails are not treated. If you wish to contact the Citizens'
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