Information about dengue, zika and chikunguya

La solicitud fue exitosa.

Dear European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

Any documents about the policies to prevent ZIKA, DENGUE and Chikungunya in the last 12 months in the UE.
Data base about cases that had been reported in the last 24 months of Zika in the UE.
Data base about cases that had been reported in the last 24 months of Dengue in the UE.
Data base about cases that had been reported in the last 24 months of Chikunguya in the UE.

All these disaggregated by country, age, gender and year.
Yours faithfully,

Lorena Rojas Paz
Calle Diego de Leon 58
Segundo Piso, Escalera B

Dear European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control,

I want to remember you, that im still waiting the information about Zika, Chukunguya and Dengue.
I please ask you to send me

Yours faithfully,

lorena rojas paz

Access to documents, Centro europeo para la prevención y el control de las enfermedades

10 Adjuntos

Dear Ms. Rojas Paz,

Please find attached the reply to your request for access to documents,
registered under reference 19-204.

For your convenience, we are including here the hyperlinks mentioned in
the attached letter:

·         Full details on access to TESSy data:

·         Dengue RRA:


Kind regards,

ECDC access to documents team

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