List of lobby meetings and documents
Dear Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU,
With reference to the Law on Free Access to Public Information, I would like to request the following information:
How many meetings have employees of the Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU had in the context of or relating to the topic of New Genomic Techniques (NGTs) with representatives of companies, lobby or advocacy groups, academic, research, and scientific institutes, consultancies, and any other kind of organisations and stakeholders, from January 2022 until today?
I would like to request a list of these meetings: who was present at the meeting, including the names of organisations/lobbyists present, as well as the date of the meeting, the subject matter discussed, and the minutes of the meetings.
If possible, I prefer you produce the documents on a rolling basis. At no point should the Permanent Representation's search for (or deliberations concerning) certain documents delay the production of others that the Permanent Representation has already retrieved and chosen to produce. I also prefer to receive documents electronically.
If some documents are partially exempted from publication, I wish to have access to a partial release of said documents. Should my request be denied wholly or partially, please explain the denial or all deletions referring to specific exemptions in the regulation.
Please contact me if any point of this request needs to be clarified,
Thank you for your help,
Jelena Prtoric
Podbreg 19
51 000 Rijeka
Dear Ms Prtoric,
I hearby confirm that we have received your request as stated in the e-mail below.
Kind regards
Ellen Linder
Ellen Linder
Registrator/Desk Officer
Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU Square de Meeûs 30
1000 Brussels
Tel. +32 2 289 56 19
Mobil +32 479 84 80 93
[email address]
-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: Jelena Prtoric <[FOI #14879 email]>
Skickat: den 8 augusti 2024 15:30
Till: Representationen Bryssel <[Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU request email]>
Ämne: access to documents request - List of lobby meetings and documents
Dear Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU,
With reference to the Law on Free Access to Public Information, I would like to request the following information:
How many meetings have employees of the Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU had in the context of or relating to the topic of New Genomic Techniques (NGTs) with representatives of companies, lobby or advocacy groups, academic, research, and scientific institutes, consultancies, and any other kind of organisations and stakeholders, from January 2022 until today?
I would like to request a list of these meetings: who was present at the meeting, including the names of organisations/lobbyists present, as well as the date of the meeting, the subject matter discussed, and the minutes of the meetings.
If possible, I prefer you produce the documents on a rolling basis. At no point should the Permanent Representation's search for (or deliberations concerning) certain documents delay the production of others that the Permanent Representation has already retrieved and chosen to produce. I also prefer to receive documents electronically.
If some documents are partially exempted from publication, I wish to have access to a partial release of said documents. Should my request be denied wholly or partially, please explain the denial or all deletions referring to specific exemptions in the regulation.
Please contact me if any point of this request needs to be clarified,
Thank you for your help,
Jelena Prtoric
Podbreg 19
51 000 Rijeka
This is a request for access to information under Article 15 of the TFEU and, where applicable, Regulation 1049/2001 which has been sent via the website.
Please kindly use this email address for all replies to this request: [FOI #14879 email]
If [Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU request email] is the wrong address for information requests to Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU, please tell the team on email [email address]
This message and all replies from Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU will be published on the website. For more information see our dedicated page for EU public officials at
Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will be delayed.
Dear Ms. Prtoric,
You have August 8, 2024 requested access to documents from meetings in the
context of or relating to the topic of New Genomic Techniques from The
Permanent representation of Sweden to the EU. A search for documents that
correspond to your request has been conducted within the representation
and official documents corresponding to your request have been located.
These are included in the appendix/appendices to this email.
Best regards
Jerker Stattin
Mr. Jerker STATTIN
Counsellor, LL.M. (veterinary, phytosanitairy, food)
Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU
Square de Meeûs 30, 1000 Brussels
Tel. +32 (0)2 289 56 81
Mob. +32 (0)472 75 01 92
-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: Jelena Prtoric <[2][FOI #14879 email]>
Skickat: den 8 augusti 2024 15:30
Till: Representationen Bryssel <[3][Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU request email]>
Ämne: access to documents request - List of lobby meetings and documents
Dear Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU,
With reference to the Law on Free Access to Public Information, I would
like to request the following information:
How many meetings have employees of the Permanent Representation of
Sweden to the EU had in the context of or relating to the topic of New
Genomic Techniques (NGTs) with representatives of companies, lobby or
advocacy groups, academic, research, and scientific institutes,
consultancies, and any other kind of organisations and stakeholders, from
January 2022 until today?
I would like to request a list of these meetings: who was present at the
meeting, including the names of organisations/lobbyists present, as well
as the date of the meeting, the subject matter discussed, and the minutes
of the meetings.
If possible, I prefer you produce the documents on a rolling basis. At no
point should the Permanent Representation's search for (or deliberations
concerning) certain documents delay the production of others that the
Permanent Representation has already retrieved and chosen to produce. I
also prefer to receive documents electronically.
If some documents are partially exempted from publication, I wish to have
access to a partial release of said documents. Should my request be denied
wholly or partially, please explain the denial or all deletions referring
to specific exemptions in the regulation.
Please contact me if any point of this request needs to be clarified,
Thank you for your help,
Jelena Prtoric
Podbreg 19
51 000 Rijeka
This is a request for access to information under Article 15 of the TFEU
and, where applicable, Regulation 1049/2001 which has been sent via the website.
Please kindly use this email address for all replies to this request:
[4][FOI #14879 email]
If [5][Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU request email] is the wrong address for information
requests to Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU, please tell the team on email [6][email address]
This message and all replies from Permanent Representation of Sweden to
the EU will be published on the website. For more information
see our dedicated page for EU public officials at
Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will
be delayed.
Visible links
2. mailto:[FOI #14879 email]
3. mailto:[Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU request email]
4. mailto:[FOI #14879 email]
5. mailto:[Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU request email]
6. mailto:[ contact email]
Dear Mr Stattin,
Many thanks for your prompt reply!
Would it be possible to obtain the agenda, the minutes, and other documents (i.e. presentations, reading materials), from:
- the meeting at the Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU that took place on the 22nd of February 2o23 at 2 pm (between yourself, your other colleagues present, and representatives of Corteva);
- the online follow-up meeting that took place online on 18 October 2023 at 4 pm (between yourself, your other colleagues present, and representatives of Corteva);
- the meeting that took place on 18 April 2023 at 13.30 between the staff of Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU and representatives of Inari
Should you have any questions or need clarification, please let me know.
Yours sincerely,
Jelena Prtoric
Podbreg 19
51 000 Rijeka
Jag är på semester är tillbaka den 2 september 2024. För brådskande
ärenden, vänligen kontakta +32 2 289 56 11. För utlämnande av allmän
handling, kontakta [[Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU request email]]
I will be out of the office until Sept 2, 2024.
For urgent matters, please contact +32 2 289 56 11. For matters related to
requests of public documents, please contact
[[Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU request email]]
Dear Ms Prtoric,
You requested access to agenda, the minutes, and other documents from the Permanent representation of Sweden to the EU. Except for the material already sent to you, an additional new search for documents that correspond to your request has been conducted within the representation. No official documents that correspond to your request have been found. Therefore no documents can be disclosed to you.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of this examination, you may contact the Registry via [email address] and request that the matter be examined by the authority. A decision by the authority is required for the matter to be appealed.
Best regards,
Jerker Stattin
Mr. Jerker STATTIN
Counsellor, LL.M. (veterinary, phytosanitairy, food)
Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU
Square de Meeûs 30, 1000 Brussels
Tel. +32 (0)2 289 56 81
Mob. +32 (0)472 75 01 92
-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: Jelena Prtoric <[FOI #14879 email]>
Skickat: den 20 augusti 2024 11:47
Till: Jerker Stattin <[email address]>
Ämne: Re: Requested access to public document UM2024/22754/BRYR
Dear Mr Stattin,
Many thanks for your prompt reply!
Would it be possible to obtain the agenda, the minutes, and other documents (i.e. presentations, reading materials), from:
- the meeting at the Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU that took place on the 22nd of February 2o23 at 2 pm (between yourself, your other colleagues present, and representatives of Corteva);
- the online follow-up meeting that took place online on 18 October 2023 at 4 pm (between yourself, your other colleagues present, and representatives of Corteva);
- the meeting that took place on 18 April 2023 at 13.30 between the staff of Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU and representatives of Inari
Should you have any questions or need clarification, please let me know.
Yours sincerely,
Jelena Prtoric
Podbreg 19
51 000 Rijeka