Dear Permanent Representation of Denmark to the EU,

With reference to the The Danish Access to Public Administrative Documents Act, I would like to request the following information:

How many meetings have employees of the Danish Permanent Representation to the EU had with representatives of companies, organisations and other stakeholders, during the last 12 months?

I would like to request a list of these meetings: who was present at the meeting, including the names of organisations/ lobbyists presents, as well as the date of the meeting, and the subject matter discussed.

Thank you in advance.

Yours faithfully,

Luisa Izuzquiza

Tanja Yndigegn,

1 Adjuntos

Dear Luisa Izuzquiza,


Please find enclosed a letter from the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Best regards,

Tanja Yndigegn

Tanja Yndigegn / [email address]
SPECIALKONSULENT / Koncernjura, Offentlig ret og Arkiv
DIREKTE +4533921048 /

TLF. +45 33920000 / www.UM.DK

Dear Permanent Representation of Denmark to the EU,

This is a follow-up request in relation to my previous request of the 6 April 2018, to which the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded by letter on 19 April 2016.

Following the ministry's response indicating that the Danish Permanent Representation to the EU "does not keep a list of meetings of any of its staff", I would like to request, under the Danish Access to Public Administration Files Act:

- the Danish Permanent Representation to the EU visitors log, or any record - whatever its format may be - of visits to its premises.

I am interested in the log or records for the past 12 months. I would also like, to the extent that this information is recorded, for the log or records to include: the names of the visitors and/or the organisation they represent (if applicable), as well as the date of the visit, and the purpose of the visit.

Thank you very much in advance.

Yours faithfully,

Luisa Izuzquiza

Tanja Yndigegn,

1 Adjuntos

Dear Luisa Izuzquiza


Please find enclosed a letter from the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Best regards,

Tanja Yndigegn

Tanja Yndigegn / [email address]
SPECIALKONSULENT / Koncernjura, Offentlig ret og Arkiv
DIREKTE +4533921048 /

TLF. +45 33920000 / www.UM.DK