List of MEPS in machine-readable format and other Documents from the CODICT webservice

Parlamento Europeo ha contestado y dice que ha remitido tu solicitud a otro organismo.

Dear European Parliament,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

I would like access to the documents about MEPs in machine reable electronic format as published from the CODICT web service. I am aware of the following 3 documents that I can't access without account:
• Member :
• CodeOrgane : CodeOrganeAddressSSL?wsdl
• Function :

Could you as well provide me the document (user guide and technical specification) describing what other documents are provided by the CODICT web service?

Yours faithfully,

xavier dutoit

Registre, Parlamento Europeo

Ref : A(2014)1108

Dear Mr Dutoit,

We acknowledge receipt of your request. You will receive a reply within
15 working days

Transparency - Public Access to documents Unit
Directorate B - DG EPRS
European Parliament

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Registre, Parlamento Europeo

2 Adjuntos

Reference : A1108



Dear Sir,


Further to your request, please find attached the document containing
information you requested about MEPs, as available in CODICT (Member,
Organ, Function).


The CODICT database centralises and standardises European Parliament data;
the data made available to IT applications of the EP.

CODICT information is grouped under 8 major data categories :

- Codes of references for countries, cities, buildings, etc.

- Personnel

- Addresses

- Administrative chart

- Political bodies

- Calendar

- Technical data

- Obsolete data

Links may exist between these categories.


We hope this information is helpful to you. Please contact us if you need
any further information.


Kind regards


Transparency - Public Access to documents Unit

[1]cid:398064113@29012014-0A07 Directorate B - DG
Parliamentary Research

European Parliament
[2]Public Register





Visible links

Dear Registre,

This isn't the computer readable format as provided by CORDICT, is it?

It doesn't contain all informations (eg. the mep internal record id) and some other data has been obstrucated (replaced by "xxx")

Alternatively, what is the procedure to get a credential to get access to the CODICT webservice?

Yours sincerely,

xavier dutoit

Registre, Parlamento Europeo

1 Adjuntos

Dear Sir,


Indeed, the document you have received is an Excel extract from CODICT.
Any information that has been retained is personal data.


With regard to applying for access to the CODICT web service, please note
that this does not concern access to documents, and therefore we would
suggest you to contact DG ITEC directly for further information.


Kind regards




Transparency - Public Access to documents Unit

[1]cid:398064113@29012014-0A07 Directorate B - DG
Parliamentary Research

European Parliament
[2]Public Register






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