lobby meetings on the DMA and the DSA

La solicitud fue exitosa.

Dear Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU,

With reference to the Law on Free Access to Public Information, I would like to request the following information:

How many meetings have employees of the Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU had on the Digital Markets Act (DMA) and the Digital Services Act (DSA) with representatives of companies, organisations and other stakeholders, during the last 12 months (until today)?

I would like to request a list of these meetings: who was present at the meeting, including the names of organisations/ lobbyists presents, as well as the date of the meeting, and the subject matter discussed.

Thank you very much in advance.

Yours faithfully,

Max Bank
on behalf of LobbyControl

Am Justizzentrum 7
50939 Cologne

Marita Ljunggren, Representación Permanente de Suecia ante la UE

Dear Max,
Thank you for your request for information. 
I work with the two files you mention (DSA and DMA) and will get back to
you with an answer regarding our meetings this Monday when I am back from
my holidays. 
I have had short digital meetings with a number of stakeholders regarding
this file during the time I have worked with it at the Perm Rep (since
August) and my colleagues also had meetings before that. I will try to
compile this info once I am back in the Office and get back to you with an
answer as soon as possible.
Best regards
Second Secretary, Single Market
Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU

---Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: Max Bank <[FOI #10461 email]>
Skickat: den 6 januari 2022 15:03
Till: Representationen Bryssel <[Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU request email]>
Ämne: <<=SPAM=>> access to documents request - lobby meetings on the
DMA and the DSA

Dear Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU,

With reference to the Law on Free Access to Public Information, I
would like to request the following information:

How many meetings have employees of the Permanent Representation of
Sweden to the EU had on the Digital Markets Act (DMA) and the Digital
Services Act (DSA) with representatives of companies, organisations
and other stakeholders, during the last 12 months (until today)?

I would like to request a list of these meetings: who was present at
the meeting, including the names of organisations/ lobbyists presents,
as well as the date of the meeting, and the subject matter discussed.

Thank you very much in advance.

Yours faithfully,

Max Bank
on behalf of LobbyControl

Am Justizzentrum 7
50939 Cologne


This is a request for access to information under Article 15 of the
TFEU and, where applicable, Regulation 1049/2001 which has been sent
via the AsktheEU.org website.

Please kindly use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #10461 email]

If [Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU request email] is the wrong address for
information requests to Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU,
please tell the AsktheEU.org team on email [email address]

This message and all replies from Permanent Representation of Sweden
to the EU will be published on the AsktheEU.org website. For more
information see our dedicated page for EU public officials at

Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses
will be delayed.



Visible links
1. https://www.asktheeu.org/en/help/officers

Dear Marita,

thank you very much indeed for your quick response to my request.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,

Marita Ljunggren, Representación Permanente de Suecia ante la UE

Jag är ledig/frånvarande t.o.m. 2022-01-10 och svarar på ditt
e-postmeddelande när jag återvänder. För utlämnande av allmän handling,
kontakta [Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU request email]


I will be out of the office until 2022-01-10. I will get back to you when
I return. For matters related to requests of public documents, please
contact [Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU request email]

Marita Ljunggren, Representación Permanente de Suecia ante la UE

1 Adjuntos

Dear Max,


As a follow-up to your earlier request, please find below the list of
meetings we at the Permanent Representation have had about the DSA and the
DMA during the last year.


The name of the representative from the Permanent Representation that has
been present during the meeting (most often virtually) has been put in


When the invitation has come from an external platform, there is not
always a complete list of invitees. We have however tried to include all
in the list below. Additionally, not all invitees could participate in the
meetings due to technical difficulties, tardiness et cetera. 


As regards the subject matter, neither me nor Kristin Olsson has any
notes, minutes or such from the meetings. However, in almost all of the
meetings the stakeholders have presented their position on both the DMA
and DSA to us, and we have listened, so this have been the subject matter.


Best regards



Marita Ljunggren
Second Secretary, Single Market

Square de Meeûs 30, 1000 Brussels

Tel. +32 4 728 40 758
[1][email address]





List of digital meetings on DMA and DSA with SWE Perm representative


15 December 2021 (Marita Ljunggren)

ACT The App Association

 1. Alexandra Shoichet
 2. Morgane Taylor


 1. Simona Romeo
 2. Francisco Mingorance

European Press Publishers

 1. Ariane Carre
 2. Philippe Meistermann
 3. Alexander Nitz
 4. Ilias Konteas

IFPI (external)

 1. Paola Pessa



 1. Hugo Bozicas
 2. Marie Sellier
 3. Marine Elgrichi
 4. (Possibly) Christophe Roy

55Rights (external)

 1. Leanda Barrington-Leach




 1. Maria Sanchez Rodriguez
 2. Marc Guiraud

Audience Measurement Coalition

 1. Marie De Cordier
 2. Stuart Wilkinson
 3. Stefan Lauterer
 4. Agata Nowacka

17 november (Marita Ljunggren)

Svenskt Näringsliv

 1. Carola Ekblad


3 ^ November 2021 (Marita Ljunggren)


 1. Esa Kaunistola
 2. Carel Maske

The LEGO Group (EI)

 1. Larisa Pircalabelu


Press Publishers


 1. Joy de Looz-Corswarem
 2. Philippe Meistermann
 3. Alexander Nitz
 4. Ilias Konteas
 5. Kerstin Neld

Sum of Us

 1. Tanya O´Carroll


 1. Laura Blanco
 2. Dagmar Bartels
 3. Bill Echikson
 4. Charlotte Cheynard


 1. Grégoire Monin
 2. Andrea Montarolo


 1. Alen Hristov
 2. Valentino Grassi
 3. Marie Van Raemdonck
 4. Matthew Allison


 1. Ross Creelman
 2. Pierantonio Rizzo
 3. Paolo Grassia


 1. Marisa Jimenez
 2. Jasmine Godier
 3. Andrea Parola
 4. Carola Parisi
 5. Janne Elvelid
 6. Gillian Shanahan
 7. Simone Gobello

4 November (Marita Ljunggren)

Svensk Handel

 1. Sofia Stigmar

21 October (Marita Ljunggren)

Svenskt Näringsliv

 1. Carola Ekblad


20 October (Marita Ljunggren)

Svenskt Näringsliv

 1. Emelie Nordström
 2. Michaela Sand

12 October (Marita Ljunggren)


 1. Ilya Bruggeman


8 October (Marita Ljunggren)

Sveriges Television (SVT)

 1. Charlotte Niklasson


6 October 2021 (Marita Ljunggren)

IAB Europe

 1. Greg Mroczkowski
 2. Ines Talavera de la Esperanza


 1. Eleanor Flanagan


 1. Dario La Nasa
 2. Kennedy O´Brien
 3. Deborah Almerge Rückert

Global Witness

 1. Nienke Palstra

Mozilla (external)

 1. Owen Bennett
 2. Raegan MacDonald

EGBA (external)

 1. Vasiliki Panousi

Shopify (external)

 1. Heloise Martorell

Snapchat (external)

 1. Laura Seritti

ACT The App Association (external)

 1. Alexandra Shoichet

EU Travel Tech

 1. Raquel Lopes
 2. Emmanuel Mounier

30 September (Marita Ljunggren)


 1. Petra Wikström
 2. Anna Sööder

29 June 2021 (Kristin Olsson)

Business Europe

 1. Patrick Grant
 2. Martynas Barysas

21 June (Kristin Olsson)

IT & Telekomföretagen (EI)

 1. My Bergdahl

8 ^ June (Kristin Olsson)

Euro Commerce (external)

 1. Ilya Bruggeman

Booking.com (external)

 1. Nadia Antoniou
 2. Julia Lamb

7 ^ June 2021 (Kristin Olsson)


 1. Rosie Morgan
 2. Nadia Cabral

EU Travel Tech (external)


 1. Matteo Quattrocchi

10 May 2021 (Kristin Olsson)

Dropbox (external)

 1. Roger Pallares-Sastre

Digital Europe (external)

 1. Hugh Kirk

EBU (external)

 1. Thomas Bergmann
 2. Charlotte Niklasson

19 April 2021 (Kristin Olsson)

Google (external)

 1. Telejko
 2. Mzubicek
 3. Jjouret

Euro Commerce (external)

 1. Ilya Bruggeman

13 April 2021 (Kristin Olsson)

Boygues Europe (external)

 1. Jillian Gaborieau

24 Mars 2021 (Kristin Olsson)

SACG (external)

 1. Måns Sjöstrand

23 Mars 2021 (Kristin Olsson)

Spotify (external)

 1. Oliviar
 2. Francescov
 3. Tomd

12 Mars 2021 (Kristin Olsson)


 1. Clare Stewart
 2. Maryant Fernandez
 3. Vanessa Turner

11 Mars 2021 (Kristin Olsson)

CCIA (external)

DOT Europe (external)

 1. Aedín Conboy

24 February 2021 (Kristin Olsson)

Facebook (external)

 1. Phillip Malloch

15 February 2021 (Kristin Olsson)

Microsoft (external)

 1. Johanna Harings

11 February 2021 (Kristin Olsson)

Flint Global

 1. Adriana Capparelli

Schibsted (external)

 1. Petra Wikström

4 February 2021 (Kristin Olsson)

ACT the App Association (external)

 1. Alexandra Shoichet

29 ^ January 2021 (Kristin Olsson)

Cloudflare (external)

 1. Petra Arts

28 ^ January 2021 (Kristin Olsson)

LVMH (external)

 1. Benjamin Neyt

22 ^ January 2021 (Kristin Olsson)

ESICM (external)



Från: Marita Ljunggren
Skickat: den 6 januari 2022 23:20
Till: Ask Request <[FOI #10461 email]>
Kopia: Representationen Bryssel-Registrator
<[email address]>; Martin Schyllert
<[email address]>
Ämne: Request - lobby meetings on the DMA and the DSA


Dear Max,


Thank you for your request for information. 


I work with the two files you mention (DSA and DMA) and will get back to
you with an answer regarding our meetings this Monday when I am back from
my holidays. 

I have had short digital meetings with a number of stakeholders regarding
this file during the time I have worked with it at the Perm Rep (since
August) and my colleagues also had meetings before that. I will try to
compile this info once I am back in the Office and get back to you with an
answer as soon as possible.


Best regards


Second Secretary, Single Market

Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU

---Ursprungligt meddelande-----

Från: Max Bank <[3][FOI #10461 email]>
Skickat: den 6 januari 2022 15:03
Till: Representationen Bryssel <[4][Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU request email]>
Ämne: <<=SPAM=>> access to documents request - lobby meetings on the
DMA and the DSA

Dear Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU,

With reference to the Law on Free Access to Public Information, I
would like to request the following information:

How many meetings have employees of the Permanent Representation of
Sweden to the EU had on the Digital Markets Act (DMA) and the Digital
Services Act (DSA) with representatives of companies, organisations
and other stakeholders, during the last 12 months (until today)?

I would like to request a list of these meetings: who was present at
the meeting, including the names of organisations/ lobbyists presents,
as well as the date of the meeting, and the subject matter discussed.

Thank you very much in advance.

Yours faithfully,

Max Bank
on behalf of LobbyControl

Am Justizzentrum 7
50939 Cologne


This is a request for access to information under Article 15 of the
TFEU and, where applicable, Regulation 1049/2001 which has been sent
via the AsktheEU.org website.

Please kindly use this email address for all replies to this request:
[5][FOI #10461 email]

If [6][Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU request email] is the wrong address for
information requests to Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU,
please tell the AsktheEU.org team on email [7][email address]

This message and all replies from Permanent Representation of Sweden
to the EU will be published on the AsktheEU.org website. For more
information see our dedicated page for EU public officials at

Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses
will be delayed.



Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. http://www.regeringen.se/
3. mailto:[FOI #10461 email]
4. mailto:[Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU request email]
5. mailto:[FOI #10461 email]
6. mailto:[Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU request email]
7. mailto:[AsktheEU.org contact email]
8. https://www.asktheeu.org/en/help/officers

Dear Marita,

thank you very much indeed for your transparent response. We appreciate this.

We regard this request as closed.

Kind regards and have a good rest of the week,

Max Bank, LobbyControl