Lobby meetings on the "Hydrogen and decarbonised gas package"

La respuesta a esta solicitud está muy retrasada. Acción por el Clima ya debería haber respondido (detalles). Puedes apelar pidiendo una revisión interna.

Dear Climate Action,

Please can you provide:
- a list of meetings held from 1 July 2021 on the topic of the "Hydrogen and decarbonised gas package" between DG Energy and any of the following stakeholders: Repsol, Iberdrola, Enagas, Naturgy, Eni, Enel, Snam, Gasunie, Shell, Uniper, OpenGrid Europe, Ontras, Equinor and/or National Grid;

- minutes/notes from the said meetings held from 1 July 2021 on the topic of the "Hydrogen and decarbonised gas package" between DG Energy and any of the following stakeholders: Repsol, Iberdrola, Enagas, Naturgy, Eni, Enel, Snam, Gasunie, Shell, Uniper, OpenGrid Europe, Ontras, Equinor and/or National Grid;

- all correspondence (including all attachments) from 1 July 2021 on the topic of the "Hydrogen and decarbonised gas package" between DG Energy and any of the following stakeholders: Repsol, Iberdrola, Enagas, Naturgy, Eni, Enel, Snam, Gasunie, Shell, Uniper, OpenGrid Europe, Ontras, Equinor and/or National Grid;

Yours faithfully,

Pascoe Sabido

Dear Climate Action,

My address is:
Corporate Europe Observatory
Rud d'Edimbourg 36
Bruxelles 1050

Yours faithfully,

Pascoe Sabido

CLIMA-ACCESS-DOCUMENTS@ec.europa.eu, Acción por el Clima

Dear Mr Sabido,

Many thanks for your email of 8 December 2021.

Please note that your request has been registered by DG ENER with reference GESTDEM 2021/7976.


Access to Documents team
European Commission
Directorate-General for Climate Action
Av. de Beaulieu 24
1049 Brussels

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Dear [email address],

Please can you let me know the status of this request as after acknowledging it I've not heard anything from you regarding when I should expect the documents.

Yours sincerely,

Pascoe Sabido