Meeting between Ambassador CARSTEN GRØNBECH-JENSEN and Danish Chamber of Commerce
Dear Permanent Representation of Denmark to the EU,
Under Denmark's Public Administration Act (Lov om offentlighed i forvaltningen nr 606 af 12/06/2013), I am requesting documents which contain the following information:
All documentation (including but not limited to all email correspondence, attendance lists, agendas, background papers, transcripts and recordings) AND the meeting minutes/notes relating to the meeting between Ambassador CARSTEN GRØNBECH-JENSEN and Danish Chamber of Commerce on 6th February 2023.
Yours faithfully,
Lora Verheecke
9 rue du Bronze
1070 Bruxelles
Udenrigsministiet bekræfter hermed modtagelsen af din henvendelse til [Permanent Representation of Denmark to the EU request email]<mailto:[Permanent Representation of Denmark to the EU request email]>, som varetages af kontoret for Koncernjura, Offentlig ret og Arkiv (”JTK”). Din henvendelse vil snarest muligt blive fordelt til en af vores sagsbehandlere.
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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs hereby confirms receipt of your inquiry to [Permanent Representation of Denmark to the EU request email]<mailto:[Permanent Representation of Denmark to the EU request email]>, which is handled by the Office for Public Law and Administrative Law and Archive ("JTK"). Your inquiry will be handed over to one of our employees in the office as soon as possible.
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Dear Lora,
I have received your request for access to documents and have a few
questions in order to be able to answer your two requests, one about
Danish Chamber of Commerce and the other about Agridan. Pls call me today
or tomorrow on +4525267654.
With the very best regards
Anne Ehrenreich
Anne Ehrenreich / [1][email address]
Senior Adviser / LEGAL SERVICE (JTK)
DIREcT / MOBIL +4525267654
TLF. +45 33920000 / www.UM.DK
Til: [Permanent Representation of Denmark to the EU request email] ([Permanent Representation of Denmark to the EU request email])
Fra: Lora Verheecke ([FOI #13742 email])
Titel: Anmodning om aktindsigt i alle dokumenter vedr. møde mellem
Carsten Grønbech-Jensen og Dansk Erhverv 06.02.2023
E-mailtitel: access to documents request - Meeting between Ambassador
CARSTEN GRØNBECH-JENSEN and Danish Chamber of Commerce
Sendt: 20-10-2023 15:13
[CAUTION - EXTERNAL EMAIL] This email was sent from outside the MFA
organisation. DO NOT reply, click on links, or open attachments unless you
have verified the sender and know the content is safe.
Dear Permanent Representation of Denmark to the EU,
Under Denmark's Public Administration Act (Lov om offentlighed i
forvaltningen nr 606 af 12/06/2013), I am requesting documents which
contain the following information:
All documentation (including but not limited to all email correspondence,
attendance lists, agendas, background papers, transcripts and recordings)
AND the meeting minutes/notes relating to the meeting between Ambassador
CARSTEN GRØNBECH-JENSEN and Danish Chamber of Commerce on 6th February
Yours faithfully,
Lora Verheecke
9 rue du Bronze
1070 Bruxelles
This is a request for access to information under Article 15 of the TFEU
and, where applicable, Regulation 1049/2001 which has been sent via the website.
Please kindly use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #13742 email]
If [Permanent Representation of Denmark to the EU request email] is the wrong address for information requests to
Permanent Representation of Denmark to the EU, please tell the team on email [email address]
This message and all replies from Permanent Representation of Denmark to
the EU will be published on the website. For more information
see our dedicated page for EU public officials at
Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will
be delayed.
Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
Dear Anne Ehrenreich,
Thank you for your time and your answer.
Those two meetings were filled on the website of the Permanent Representation:
Under February 2023.
You can contact me on 00 32 4 86 31 00 34.
Best regards,
Lora Verheecke