Projects funded under the FP7 and Horizon 2020 programmes
Dear Research and Innovation,
Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:
Dear Research and Innovation,
Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:
I would like to have some information to help me clarify how the Framework Programmes work. I am aware that some projects have one coordinator and several participants which work together towards a common goal, while other projects are run by individuals or single institutions. With respect to the former, some questions have come up:
1. Is the organisation propoing a certain project always going to be the coordinator of that project?
2. When a project involves a coordinating member and several participants, who decides the allocation accorded to the participant members?
3. Do the participants receive the funds directly from the European Commission or through the project's coordinating institution?
4. In order to calculate the amount of funds perceived by each country in the framework programmes, should I separate what each of the coordinating members of every project get from what the participant members receive?
So far I was counting the EU contribution received by every project as if it belonged all to the coordinating institution. Hence, to one country.
I would be very grateful if you could provide me with an answer.
Yours faithfully,
Xavier M. Galiana
Hermosilla, 86, 3C
28001 MADRID
Dear Sir,
We hereby acknowledge receipt of your email of 04/07/2017.
We draw your attention to the fact that in your request you do not ask for any specific document(s) but you rather require that the Commission provides you with certain information. Consequently, your request will be handled as request for information under the Code of Good Administrative Behavior.
You can expect an answer within 15 working days. The time limit will expire on 26/07/2017. In case this time limit needs to be extended, you will be informed in due course.
Best regards,
RTD Access to documents team
European Commission
DG Research & Innovation
Unit J1
1049 Brussels/Belgium
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[5]Ares(2017)3487095 - Your request for information - Projects funded
under the FP7 and Horizon 2020 programmes
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Envoyé par RTD ACCESS DOCUMENTS <[email address]>.
Toutes les réponses doivent être effectuées à cette adresse électronique.
Dear Mr Galiana,
We refer to your message of 4 July 2017. In reply to your questions please
find below some information:
1. Is the organisation proposing a certain project always going to be the
coordinator of that project?
The user who created the proposal in the Participants Portal becomes
either the Coordinator Contact or Primary Coordinator Contact and usually
his organisation becomes the coordinator (or single beneficiary for
actions that do not involve consortium) throughout the project (an
exception applies for ERC grants where the proposal is submitted by a
natural person – a Principal Investigator). The Coordinator can however
be changed by the Commission/Agency's Project Officer if requested by the
consortium. If a change of the Coordinator becomes necessary, the
coordinator (or exceptionally other members of the consortium) should
request it to the Project Officer.
2. When a project involves a coordinating member and several participants,
who decides the allocation accorded to the participant members?
The allocation accorded to the participants is dealt internally by the
consortium (and is subsequently inserted in the proposal budget). It is
therefore part of internal arrangements or even the Consortium Agreement
before submission of proposal. The 'Consortium Agreement' is an agreement
between members of the consortium to set out their internal arrangements
for implementing the grant. It is purely internal and the EU is not part
of it.
3. Do the participants receive the funds directly from the European
Commission or through the project's coordinating institution?
The Commission/Agency will make the payments to the coordinator. More
details can be found in Article 21 of the Model Grant Agreement-MGA
(available at
Please note that, in accordance with the above-mention MGA, once the
Commission has made the payment for the grant to the coordinator it is
discharged of obligations arising from the payment.
4. In order to calculate the amount of funds perceived by each country in
the framework programmes, should I separate what each of the coordinating
members of every project get from what the participant members receive?
The amounts of funds received by each country are established on the basis
of the seat of all the applicant entities in the consortium, and not only
on the basis of coordinator entity. You may found some interesting
statistical information under the following link:
In general, for more detailed information you may refer to the Online
Manual, on the Participant Portal,
or to the Participant Portal FAQ section, Frequently Asked Questions
Kind regards,
RTD Access to documents team
European Commission
DG Research & Innovation
Unit J1
[9][email address]