Request for information on the topic of eHealth

La solicitud fue exitosa.

Dear European Parliament,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

- list of all the meetings on the topic of eHealth and/or digital healthcare since 2015 until the present day;
- minutes of all the meetings on the topic of eHealth and/or digital healthcare since 2015 until the present day;
- list of all the meetings with Google and Johnson and Johnson on the topic of health and digital single market.

Thank you very much.
Kind regards,


AccesDocs, Parlamento Europeo

1 Adjuntos

OUR REF A(2017)8700


Dear Madam Gandra,


European Parliament acknowledges receipt of your request, which will be
processed as quickly as possible. You will receive a reply within 15
working days.


Kind regards,




European Parliament
Directorate-General for the Presidency
Interinstitutional Affairs and Legislative
[1][email address]






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AccesDocs, Parlamento Europeo

Our ref.: A(2017)8700

Dear Ms Gandra,

As concerns your request for:

a) list of all the meetings on the topic of eHealth and/or digital healthcare since 2015 until the present day;
b) minutes of all the meetings on the topic of eHealth and/or digital healthcare since 2015 until the present day;
c) list of all the meetings with Google and Johnson and Johnson on the topic of health and digital single market.

a) and b) Meetings and minutes

Parliament's meetings are public. The minutes of Parliament's Plenary and Committee meetings are published on Parliament's website. There are three databases which contain the information you are requesting: 1. The Legislative Observatory (Oeil) which provides access to Parliament's legal and non-legal procedures. A procedure's webpage provides the references to the procedure's documents. You may search this page by keyword or subject as well as formal data. 2. Parliament's public register of documents (Register) which provides access to Parliament's documents. You may search this page by keyword and formal data. 3. Health related topics are usually dealt with by Parliament's Committee for Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI). Thus you may find the agendas and minutes of their meetings on the respective webpage. This means:

1. As for Oeil you will see that the topic of eHealth and digital healthcare covers several subjects. If you take the eHealth Action Plan 2012-2020 (procedure number 2013/2061(INI)) you will find as subjects covered by the procedure: 2.40.02 Public services, of general interest, universal service, 3.30.06 Information and communication technologies, 3.30.20 Trans-European communications networks, 3.50.04 Innovation, 4.20.02 Medical research, 4.20.06 Health services, medical institutions and 4.60.06 Consumers' economic and legal interests. If you take the Medical Devices A search for "ehealth" as keyword and the period since the start of the 8th Legislature (July 2014 ) will provide the following result:!dV79DP [Link shortened to avoid being broken]. A search for "digital healthcare" does not provide any results. You might, however choose the subject of "Public Health" and find the following results:!Ff48GD [Link shortened to avoid being broken]. The results are procedure files with references to the meetings and their minutes.

2. In Parliament's Register the result for a search on "eHealth" during the 8th Legislative term provides the following result:!tw67yN [Link shortened to avoid being broken]. A search for "digital healthcare":!fN44MK [Link shortened to avoid being broken].

3. By running the following search on the ENVI Committee's webpages!jf98KK [Link shortened to avoid being broken] you will find supporting analyses that might also help finding the relevant procedures. Furthermore you find information about ENVI's meetings during the 8th Legislature here:

c) Stakeholder participation

In order to receive stakeholder input Parliament's Committees invite relevant societal groups, companies and other stakeholders to specific meetings. Those are public hearings or workshops. You may find the public hearings or workshops held by the ENVI Committee on their website: As for Google and Johnson & Johnson you might also search the Register. These are the results: Google (8th Legislature, ENVI Committee)!GC66RQ [Link shortened to avoid being broken]; Johnson & Johnson:!KF46gK [Link shortened to avoid being broken]. Furthermore you will find the interests of Google and Johnson & Johnson explained on the Transparency Register's website. For Google:!qR38pj [Link shortened to avoid being broken], for Johnson & Johnson:!Dd33nP [Link shortened to avoid being broken]. Both companies are also represented by law firms for certain issues. You will find those by a search on the same website: .

Parliament considers your request as handled and the file as closed. Please do not hesitate to come back to us, should you have any further request for specific Parliament documents.

Sincere regards

European Parliament
Directorate-General for the Presidency