Request for lobby documents & meetings
Dear Permanent Representation of the Netherlands to the EU,
With reference to the Law on the Openness of Administration (WOB), I would like to request the following information:
How many meetings have employees of the Permanent Representation of the Netherlands to the EU had in the context of or relating to the topic of New Genomic Techniques (NGTs) with representatives of companies, lobby or advocacy groups, academic, research and scientific institutes, consultancies, and any other kind of organisations and stakeholders, from January 2022 until today?
I would like to request a list of these meetings: who was present at the meeting, including the names of organisations/lobbyists present, as well as the date of the meeting, the subject matter discussed, and the minutes of the meetings.
If possible, I prefer you produce the documents on a rolling basis. At no point should the Permanent Representation's search for (or deliberations concerning) certain documents delay the production of others that the Permanent Representation has already retrieved and chosen to produce. I also prefer to receive documents electronically.
If some documents are partially exempted from publication, I wish to have access to a partial release of said documents. Should my request be denied wholly or partially, please explain the denial or all deletions referring to specific exemptions in the regulation.
Please contact me if any point of this request needs to be clarified,
Thank you for your help,
Jelena Prtoric
Podbreg 19
51 000 Rijeka
Dear reader,
I am on summer leave till the 16th of August and I won't have access to my
mails. For urgent matters please contact [email address]
Kind regards,
Dieuwertje van Hoeij
Dieuwertje van Hoeij
Permanent Representation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the EU
Legal Affairs/ Interior Affairs
Kortenberglaan 4-10 | 1040 Brussel | Belgium
T (+32) 267 916 49
M (+32) 499 92 22 46
[1][email address]
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Dear Permanent Representation of Netherlands to the EU,
I would like to follow up on my previous request. I still haven't received a reply to my request, due by August 30. I would there like to kindly request if you could send me the information/documents I requested as soon as possible.
If you have any questions, please let me know!
Yours faithfully,
Jelena Prtoric
Dear Ms Prtoric,
I hereby acknowledge receipt of your application for information under the
Open Government Act (WOO) by email of 8 August, which I received on the
same day. Your application concerns information on how many meetings
employees of the Permanent Representation of the Netherlands to the EU
have had in the context of or relating to the topic of New Genomic
Techniques (NGTs) with representatives of companies, lobby or advocacy
groups, academic, research and scientific institutes, consultancies, and
any other kind of organisations and stakeholders, from January 2022 until
We will assess your application and respond within four weeks of the date
of receipt. As the response time ends today I herewith inform you that the
assessment of your application is taking longer than expected. For that
reason, I will need two more weeks to process it. On the basis of section
4.4, subsection 2 of the Open Government Act (WOO) I am extending the time
limit for taking a decision. If the application is very extensive, I will
contact you to discuss the priorities to be assigned when processing the
If you have questions about the manner in which your application is being
dealt with, you can contact [1][email address].
Yours sincerely,
Marion van Schagen
Administrative support (WOO applications)
Directie Open Overheid (DOO)
Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken
Rijnstraat 8 | 2515 XB Den Haag
Postbus 20061 | 2500 EB Den Haag
E [2][email address]
Dear Mrs van Schagen,
I hope you are doing well.
In your last email (5 September 2024), you informed me of the receipt of my application and asked for a two-week extension to the assessment of my application. Considering that that period ended by the end of September and that the response to my initial request, submitted on 8 August is long overdue, I'd kindly ask you to send me the relevant information as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely,
Jelena Prtoric
Dear Mrs Prtoric,
Unfortunately the assessment of your application was delayed by an
internal mistake. My sincere apologies for this.
During the process of your application we also have to ask for views of
third parties involved. This will take some extra time as third parties
have at least two weeks to give their view. Therefore the processing will
not be finished within the period required by law.
However, I will keep you informed of the assessment of your application on
a regular basis.
With kind regards,
Else Bemers
Legal Advisor
Woo applications (DOO)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Dear Mrs Prtoric,
We received the views of third parties involved and are now in the process
of writing the decision.
The decision will be send to you by the end of this month.
With kind regards,
Else Bemers
Legal Advisor
Woo applications (DOO)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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Dear Ms Prtoric,
Please find enclosed the decision on your request under the Open
Government Act including binder with documents.
Yours sincerely,
Marion van Schagen
Administrative support WOO
Directie Open Overheid (DOO)
Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken
Rijnstraat 8 | 2515 XB Den Haag
Postbus 20061 | 2500 EB Den Haag
E [1][email address]
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