Rotating presidency 2017

La solicitud fue exitosa.

Dear Permanent Representation of Estonia to the EU,

I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

Did the Estonian Government, as part of its 2017 rotating presidency of the Council of the EU, enter into any arrangements with car companies to receive the free use of vehicles?
You will see from this Reuters article that this was a very common practice a few years ago:

If such arrangements did exist, which vehicle companies were involved, how many vehicles, and on what terms?

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Vicky Cann

Erika Parmas, Representación Permanente de Estonia ante la UE

Dear Ms Cann,

You have requested following information from the Permanent Representation of Estonia to the EU:

1. Did the Estonian Government, as part of its 2017 rotating presidency of the Council of the EU, enter into any arrangements with car companies to receive the free use of vehicles?
Yes, we did. The procurement of these services were conducted according to the Estonian Public Procurement Act.

2. If such arrangements did exist, which vehicle companies were involved, how many vehicles, and on what terms?
The Government Office of Estonia had two contracts with car companies: with BWM representative Inchcape Ltd in Estonia to use 65 BMW cars and Mercedes-Benz representative Silberauto Ltd to use 40 mini buses during the Estonian Presidency of the Council of the EU in the second half of 2017. As this was a public procurement, the providers were chosen based on the fulfilment of need (number and configuration of cars), agreement with the publicity guidelines and price (lowest price being zero). The partners received publicity on the Presidency web page and locally at the event venue in Tallinn in an agreed way, please see: .

Kind regards,

Erika Parmas
assistante de l´Adjoint Chef de la Mission
La Représentation permanente de l´Estonie auprès de l´UE
+32 2 227 4394 | +32 49 215 8231

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