Show EU legislation that directly impacts Limerick City, Munster, Ireland

La solicitud fue rechazada por Comité Europeo de las Regiones.

Dear European Committee of the Regions,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

Show EU legislation that directly impacts Limerick City, Munster,Ireland
I am requesting access to Information on the following,
1) Strategy,
2) Funding
3) Statistics (Last 5 years)
4) Future Strategy 2020-2030
5) Poverty Research
6) Human Rights
7) EU Rights versus National Rights (Eu Citizens with Triple CitizenShips)
(ex. Irish to German, back to irish, results in lesser rights for EU Citizen)

In regard to Limerick City, Munster, Ireland

Yours faithfully,
Madeline O'Brien MSc.
Irish, Finnish and German (Triple EU Citizenships)

transparence, Comité Europeo de las Regiones

Dear Ms. O'Brien,

Thank you for your email from 21/02/2020. We hereby confirm receipt of your request for access to documents / information, which was registered on 27/02/2020 under the reference number A 302/2020.

In accordance with Regulation (EC) No. 1049/2001, your application will be processed within 15 working days.

Transparency Service European Committee of the Regions

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Nuñez Peña Ana, Comité Europeo de las Regiones

1 Adjuntos



Dear Ms. O'Brien,


Answering to your request for access to documents registered on 27/02/2020
under the reference number A 302/2020 regarding "EU legislation that
directly impacts Limerick City, Munster, Ireland", please find attached a
letter from the Secretary General of the Committee of the Regions.


Thank you for your enquiry.


Please feel free to contact us should you require further information.



Transparency Service European Committee of the Regions


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