Specific conditions to re-use textual data of the roll calls without reproducing the entire item
Dear European Parliament,
Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:
Votewatch is publishing information copyrighted by the european parliament (the vote results). Your legal notice specify they have to provide the entire item to re reproduced, unless the reuse of the data is subject to different conditions.
As they don't publish the computer-reable vote roll-call documents the European Parliament provide them, I am expecting they are subject to such a different condition.
Can you provide me the document specifying the specific conditions that allow votewatch to use the EP textual data of the roll-calls without reproducing them in their entirety?
Yours faithfully,
xavier dutoit
Ref : A(2014)1114
Dear Mr Dutoit,
We acknowledge receipt of your request. You will receive a reply within
15 working days
Transparency - Public Access to documents Unit
Directorate B - DG EPRS
European Parliament
Dear Sir
Votewatch does indeed publish information on RCV issued by the EP. The
European Parliament allows the reuse of its information, provided that the
user mentions the source. This is the case for VoteWatch.
All information concerning the roll-call-votes is public, therefore the EP
has no document containing specifications on reproduction of such
information by VoteWatch. For any further information, we suggest you to
contact them directly on this matter.
As we have already outlined to you in our response of 13/02/14 (A1112),
RCV in xml format is available to all citizens on the EP register, or on
Kind regards
Transparency - Public Access to documents Unit
[1]cid:398064113@29012014-0A07 Directorate B - DG
Parliamentary Research
European Parliament
[2]Public Register
Visible links
2. http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegWeb/app...
Dear Registre,
Thanks for the clarification that it's possible to reproduce the EP content as long as the source is acknowledged. I understood the "in its entirety" as providing the info in the format received, but I seem to have misundestood that point.
As your response of 13/02/14 (A1112),"RCV in xml format is available to all citizens on the EP register"
is a bit of an overstatement, given that only 15%of the roll calls since 2013 have been published ;)
Thanks for your answer
xavier dutoit dejó un comentario ()
The legal notice
As a general rule, the reuse (reproduction or use) of textual data and multimedia items which are the property of the European Union [...] is authorised [...] provided that the entire item is reproduced [...]. However, the reuse of certain data may be subject to different conditions [...]