Staff ineligible to work in the EU

La solicitud fue exitosa.

Dear European Personnel Selection Office,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

- Figures for the number of staff who have sought employment, but who have subsequently been found to be ineligible to work in the EU

- Contract staff employed on the EU payroll, for instance cleaners, but subsequently found not eligible to work in the EU

The period covered is requested for the past five years; fewer if these statistics are not collated

My address is 313, Norman Shaw North, House of Commons SW1A 0AA

Yours faithfully,

Lee Rotherham

Oficina de Selección de Personal de las Comunidades Europeas

Dear Ms Rotherham,

Please note that your request will be dealt with by DG HR and not by our unit. Any request on the matter should therefore be sent directly to DG HR.

We are copying this message to the colleagues in charge of these requests in DG HR, who will ensure the follow-up to your request.

Kind regards,

Muriel Reniers

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Oficina de Selección de Personal de las Comunidades Europeas

Dear Mr Rotherham,


Thank you for your e-mail dated 30/09/2016 (initially sent to EPSO).  We
hereby acknowledge receipt of your application for access to documents,
which was registered on 06/10/2016 under reference number GestDem


In accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 regarding public access to
European Parliament, Council and Commission documents, your application
will be handled within 15 working days. The time limit will expire on
27/10/2016. In case this time limit needs to be extended, you will be
informed in due course.


Yours faithfully,



EC ARES NOREPLY, Oficina de Selección de Personal de las Comunidades Europeas

2 Adjuntos

Please find attached document Ares(2016)6131383 regarding "R/ Your application for access to documents - Ref. GestDem No 2016/5553" sent by Ms SOUKA Irene on 26/10/2016.

Note: This e-mail was automatically generated by the European Commission's central mail registration system.
Replies by e-mail must be addressed to the original sender SOUKA Irene (mailto:[email address]).
Remarque : Cet e-mail a été généré automatiquement par le système d'enregistrement central du courrier de la Commission européenne.
Toute réponse éventuelle par e-mail doit être adressée à l'expéditeur en personne, à savoir SOUKA Irene (mailto:[email address]).