Statute to harmonize MEPs salaries as of July 2009

La solicitud fue rechazada por Parlamento Europeo.

Dear European Parliament,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

The statute on the harmonization of the salaries for MEPs that was passed on the 23 June 2005 included the provison that allowed MEPs to keep being paid their old salaries (from July 2009) onwards, if the would become re-elected.
Only 33 MEPs did exercise this option to keep their old national salaries. Who have those MEPs been?
(Source: Fisman et al. "Labor Supply of Politicians" 2014, see page 9.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,


Registre, Parlamento Europeo

Our Ref A(2015)3536

Dear Mr Christian,

European Parliament acknowledges receipt of your request, which will be proceed as quickly as possible. You will receive a reply within 15 working days.

Kind regards,

EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service
Directorate for the Library

Public Register Webpage
[email address]

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Dear Registre,

May I ask you if you got the requested information, i.e., the names and respective member states of the MEPs?
So far, I did not get a response.

Yours sincerely,


Registre, Parlamento Europeo

Thank you for your message. Please note that The European Parliament's
offices will be closed from 2 April to 6 April 2015. Any document access
requests received during that period will not be recorded until 7 April
2015. The 15-working-day time limit placed on replies to document requests
(in accordance with Article 7(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001) will
therefore run from that date.


Merci pour votre message. Veuillez noter que les bureaux du Parlement
européen seront fermés du 2 avril au 6 avril 2015. Les demandes d'accès
aux documents ne seront enregistrées que le 7 avril 2015. Par conséquent,
le délai de 15 jours ouvrables pour répondre à vos demandes (conformément
à l’article 7.1 du Règlement (CE) n° 1049/2001) courra à partir de cette
même date., Parlamento Europeo





Dear Mr Christian,


The Citizens’ Enquiries Unit of the European Parliament (EP) has been
asked to reply to your request of 13 March 2015 for information concerning
MEPs' salaries.

Firstly, we would thank you for your interest in the European Parliament.

We would inform you that, as regards applications for access to breakdowns
of allowances and expenditure of Members, the EP has developed, based on
best practises observed in national parliaments, a proactive policy
publishing on its [1]Europarl website general information on the
allowances Members are entitled to and the rules governing their
allocation, which may be found on [2]this webpage.

On the other hand, with regard to your particular request, we would inform
you that in the absence of any other legal basis that would permit such
transfer, information on the financial situation of individual Members is
not made public for reasons of personal data protection, although Members
are free to disclose additional information.

More information on personal data protection is available on [3]this EP
fact sheet.


We thank you for contacting the European Parliament.

Yours sincerely,


Citizens' Enquiries Unit


Please note that the information given by the Citizens' Enquiries Unit of
the European Parliament is not legally binding.




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Dear European Parliament,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of European Parliament's handling of my FOI request 'Statute to harmonize MEPs salaries as of July 2009'.

Rather than the names of the MEPs, I would like to request the member state they have been representing. I.e., I would like to know how many MEPs of which member state chose to receive the old payment scheme.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,


Registre, Parlamento Europeo

1 Adjuntos

Dear Sir,


We acknowledge receipt of your request.  We have transmitted your message
to the European Parliament Citizen's Enquiry Service (ASK EP - in copy),
responsible for providing answers to requests for information.


Kind regards


EPRS - European Parliamentary Research
Directorate for the Library
[2]Public Register webpage

 [3][email address]  




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Service d'information du citoyen, Parlamento Europeo




Dear Mr Christian,


The Citizens’ Enquiries Unit of the European Parliament (EP) has been
asked to reply to your request of 7 April 2015 for “how many MEPs of which
member state chose to receive the old payment scheme”.


We would inform you at this regard that the information requested pertains
to data falling within Article 2(a) of the [1]Data Protection Regulation
(45/2001 EC) (inter alia because the information requested enables the
indirect extraction of personal data concerning identifiable individuals)
and hence cannot be transferred without a proper legal justification in
support of the request.


We thank you for contacting the European Parliament.

Yours sincerely,


Citizens' Enquiries Unit


Please note that the information given by the Citizens' Enquiries Unit of
the European Parliament is not legally binding.



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