Travel expenses for Commissioner Arias Cañete, May & Jun 2016

La respuesta a esta solicitud está muy retrasada. Secretaría General de la Comisión Europea ya debería haber respondido (detalles). Puedes apelar pidiendo una revisión interna.

Dear Secretariat General,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, and under the same circumstances and with the same arguments put forward in requests GESTDEM 2016/5975, 2016/6006, 2016/6010, 2016/6050, I hereby request the following documents:

The travel expenses of Commissioner Arias Cañete, for the period 1 May to 30 June 2016, as contained in the relevant mission summary fiches/settlement of mission expenses.

Yours faithfully

Frieder Haag
[postal address]
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[postal address]

Dear Secretariat General of the European Commission,

I'm waiting for your answer. Please do comply promptly.

Yours faithfully,

Frieder Haag