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Working time and hybrid working

Amalia Verdu Sanmartin made this acceso a documentos request to Agencia Europea para la Gestión Operativa de Sistemas Informáticos de Gran Magnitud en el Espacio de Libertad, Seguridad y Justicia

Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

Estamos a la espera de que Amalia Verdu Sanmartin lea una respuesta reciente y de que actualice el estado.

Amalia Verdu Sanmartin

Dear European Agency for the operational management of large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom, security and justice,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

- All documents related to the application by analogy of COMMISSION DECISION of 24.03.2022 on working time and hybrid working, C(2022) 1788 final
- All documents related to the application and interpretation of Article 11 of COMMISSION DECISION of 24.03.2022 on working time and hybrid working, C(2022) 1788 final
- All documents related to Telework outside the place of employment

Yours faithfully,

Amalia Verdu Sanmartin

EULISA PAD, Agencia Europea para la Gestión Operativa de Sistemas Informáticos de Gran Magnitud en el Espacio de Libertad, Seguridad y Justicia

1 Adjuntos

Dear Amalia Verdu Sanmartin,


Before we proceed with the request, and in accordance with Article 5(3) of
eu-LISA’s [1]Management Board Decision 2022-090 (hereinafter Decision No
2022-090), all initial applications must be accompanied by an identity
document or, in the case of legal persons, the proof of registered office
along with the proof of the link between the individual presenting the
application and the legal person.


We kindly ask you to provide a copy of an identity document by Thursday
15/06 eob.


Please, kindly note as per Article 6(1) of the Decision No 2022-090, only
applications presented in compliance with Article 5 are registered and
further processed.


If you do not contact the Agency within this timeframe, your request will
be considered as closed, and will not be further processed.



Best regards,

PAD team

Legal Sector, Corporate Services Department


Vesilennuki 5,

10415 Tallinn, Estonia
[3][email address]




eu-LISA / European Union Agency for the Operational Management

of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice


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the information contained in it. Please kindly notify the sender
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This message does not constitute a commitment by eu-LISA unless otherwise



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3. mailto:[email address]

No sabemos si la última respuesta a esta solicitud contiene información o no – si eres Amalia Verdu Sanmartin por favor abre una sesión y háznoslo saber.