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Printed from on December 06, 2024 21:23
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 6)
Dear Secretariat General of the European Commission,
I have yet to hear from you regarding my request for access to EU documents, which was regist...
Veuillez trouver ci-joint le document Ares(2016)7036293 concernant "CJ Access to documents request - Travel expenses of President of the European Commi...
Dear Ms Gutierrrez,
Thank you for your feedback.
However as regards your remarks on b) and c) of your request, I would
like to point out that...
Dear Ms Gutierrez,
You may of course submit a new request to get access to the documents of
the meetings you referred to. However, the agendas...
Thank you for your response. I have found it very useful. I would like to make a clarification to the information requested about JORA.
I understa...
Dear Ms Gutiérrez,
Please find attached the reply from Mr Giotakos, Head of Unit, and "Frontex Annual Brief 2015" (limited).
Best regards,
European Com...
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