This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 40)
Dear Madam,
Please find attached the electronic version of Commission Decision
C(2024)1661 as adopted by the European Commission on 07.03.2024....
Dear Ms Indiano,
Please find attached a reply to your request for access to documents
registered under the 2023/6890 reference number.
Best regard...
Thank you for your reply.
As you wrote in your reply, the auditors had 4 meetings (including also the final one) with Italian regions during the...
Dear Madam,
We acknowledge receipt of your request.
However, it should have been addressed to collegues in [email address] and [email address] as the s...
Please find attached a letter from the General Secretariat of the Council
concerning your request for access to documents.
Yours sincerely,
Our reference: 2023-3306
Dear Ms Indiano,
Following your request for documents related to meetings where the MEP
Massimiliano Salini participated,...
Please find attached a message concerning your request for access to
Commission documents registered under the above case number 2023/2226....
Please find attached a message concerning your request for access to
Commission documents registered under the above case number 2022/5596....
I acknowledge the receipt of the document enclosed in the message addressed to me
Thank you very much
Yours sincerely,
Carlotta Indiano
Dear Ms. Indiano,
Please find attached the letter referring to your application for access to documents.
Best regards,
Anna Vardanyan
Dear Mr, Ms
It is very important for us.
Please, could you please acknowledge the receipt of the document enclosed
in the message addresse...
Please find attached the reply to your e-mail dated of 13 December 2021 in which you make a request for access to documents. It has been registered on...
Dear Madam,
Please find attached an advance copy of the reply to your confirmatory
request for access to documents registered under the number G...
Ref. Ares(2022)1507113 - 01/03/2022
Directorate A – Energy policy: Strategy and Coordination
Dear Madam INDIANO,
Please find enclosed the reply to your request to access documents.
Best regards
Dear Ms Indiano,
Please find attached a reply to your request for access to documents,
registered under the reference GestDem 2021/5936. Please note...
Ref. Ares(2022)335704 - 17/01/2022
Dear Ms Indiano,
Please find attached a reply to your request for access to documents,
registered under the reference GestDem 2021/6021. Please note...
Dear Ms Indiano,
Please find attached a reply to your request for access to documents,
registered under the reference GestDem 2021/6226. Please note...
Dear Ms Indiano,
Please find attached a reply to your request for access to documents,
registered under the reference GestDem 2021/6025. Please note...
Link: [1]File-List
Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data
Link: [3]themeData
Link: [4]colorSchemeMapping
[5]access to documents request - power to gas project in...
Dear Ms Indiano,
please find the attached reply to your request registered under GESTDEM 2021/8078.
Kind regards,
Jana Dehombreux Pavlikova
Ref. Ar...
Dear Ms Indiano,
We refer to your e-mail of 7 October 2021 in which you make a request for
access to documents, registered under the above menti...
Thanks for your answer.
I understand you did not register my second request, as the documents referred to therein are comprehended in the request...
Dear Ms. Indiano,
Please find attached the reply to your access to documents request in subject.
According to the standard operational procedure, the...
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