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Printed from on January 24, 2025 23:50
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 7)
Thank you very much for your reply,
frankly, I am not satisfied with your answer, my original query was "disclosing" the member states so I assume...
Dear Mr Soha,
Please find attached a reply to your request GESTDEM 2019/5175.
Best regards,
Unit HOME C2 – Legal Pathways and Integration
Ref. A...
[1]Ares(2018)4632750 - RE: access to documents request - National security
guidelines to memebr states
Sent by (HOME)
Dear Mr Soha,
We allow ourselves to re-send you the same reply, but this time with the
Ares registration number (top right position on the documen...
Dear Mr Soha,
Thank you for your emails of 22 November in which you asked how much money
was granted to the city of Vilnius further to its designa...
Dear Mr Soha,
Thank you for your emails of 22 November in which you asked how much money
was granted to the city of Vilnius further to its designa...
Salutations distinguées,
Unité JUST C.2 - Citoyenneté de l'Union et libre circulation
Direction Générale Justice...
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