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Printed from on January 18, 2025 01:44
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 9)
Feel free to send your answer to pablo [at] tamarindintelligence [dot] com
Yours sincerely,
Pablo Cano
Dear Mr. Cano,
Please find attached our reply.
Kind Regards,
Head of Unit
Ref. Ares(2021)6617232 - 27/10/2021
Dear Mr Cano,
We requested more information as DG GROW is not responsible for competition policy investigations. We do not have documents related to a...
Dear Mr Cano,
We refer to your e-mail dated 05/11/2020 in which you make a request for
access to documents, registered on 05/11/2020 under the a...
Dear Mr. Cano Trilla,
With reference to your email of 24 September 2019, you may find attached
Commissions' reply.
Best Regards,
Dear Mr Cano Trilla,
Please find enclosed the acknowledgment of receipt to your access to
Any future communication will be addr...
Thanks, I am fine to continue this conversation through this private email
Kind regards,
Pablo Cano Trilla
Director of legal analysis
Dear Mr Cano,
Please find hereunder the reply to your application for access to
documents – Gestdem 2018/5838.
Yours sincerely,
Dear Mr Cano Trilla,
Please find attached a copy of the letter from Mr Bruno Gautrais, Head of
Unit, and the annexes concerning the above me...
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