Centre satellitaire de l'Union européenne

Une agence pour la politique de sécurité et de défense commune, aussi appelé CSUE

13 demandes
Dear Sender, The SatCen mission is defined in the relevant Council Decision, as stated on our webpage. Exchanges and communications with the mentione...
UFO/UAP/UCT/unknown unidentified craft
Réponse par Centre satellitaire de l'Union européenne à Chris Gaffney ce .

Information non détenue.

Dear Sender, Thanks for contacting SatCen on this issue. Regrettably, we have to inform you that the Centre does not deal with any information or ana...
Work with Palantir

Information non détenue.

Dear Requester, Thanks for your recent information request. We do not have any account of contact with this company and thus have currently no contra...

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