
Une Direction général de la Commision européenne, aussi appelé DG COMP

307 demandes

(page 8)

Competition cases
Réponse par Concurrence à Megan Porter ce .

En retard depuis longtemps.

Link: [1]File-List Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data Dear Ms. Porter,   We refer to your email  dated 01/10/2020, in which you make a request for informa...
Interoperability of contact tracing apps
Réponse par Concurrence à Alexander Fanta ce .

Information non détenue.

Dear Sir,   Please find attached an advance copy of the reply to your initial request for access to documents registered under the number GESTDEM...
Meetings with Huawei
Réponse par Concurrence à Álvaro Merino ce .

En attente de classement.

Dear Ms / Dear Mr, It is very important for us. Please, could you please acknowledge the receipt of the document enclosed in the message addressed...
Merger inquiries
Réponse par Concurrence à Henry Weston ce .

En attente de classement.

Please find attached document Ares(2020)4896948 from TRAYNOR Emer (TAXUD.E.2) dated 18/09/2020. Ref. Ares(2020)4896948 - 18/09/2020 EUROPEAN COMMISSI...
Notifikation COVID19-Hilfen Republik Österreich-AUA
Réponse par Concurrence à Martin Thür ce .

Handled by postal mail.

Link: [1]File-List Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data   Dear Sir.   We refer to your email sent on 22/08/2020 for access to documents and other informat...
Muy Sres. Míos,   Adjunto, remitimos doc.  2020/4859.   Atentamente,   [1]cid:image001.png@01D614E3.701B3010 UNIDAD DE REGISTRO DE AYUDAS...
Digital services tax
Réponse par Concurrence à Vicky Cann ce .


Dear Madam, We refer to your email dated 02/07/2020 in which you make a request for access to documents, registered under the above-mentioned refere...
Airports state aids
Réponse par Concurrence à Simon Magus ce .

En attente de classement.

Link: [1]File-List Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data Dear Mr. Magus,   We refer to your email dated 05/08/2020, in which you make a request for informati...
Is the EU being soft on State aid awarded in the UK because of Brexit?
Réponse par Concurrence à Johan B ce .

En attente de classement.

Link: [1]File-List Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data   Dear Sir, Your request for information  has been registered. This message is an acknowledgement of...
Apple Competition Case to the General Court
Suivi envoyé à Concurrence par Emmet Oliver ce .

En attente de classement.

Yes I have received the Apple response I may appeal Yours sincerely, Emmet Oliver
Investigation in to Cyprus Bar Association unlawful fee fixing
Réponse par Concurrence à Frances Lewis ce .

En attente de classement.

Link: [1]File-List Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data Dear Sir ,   Thank you for your  e-mail of 3 August 2020. We hereby acknowledge receipt of your appl...
Hungarian media complaints
Suivi envoyé à Concurrence par paola tamma ce .

En attente de classement.

I have submitted the reply, complete of my personal full postal address, through the form indicated by your link. I would still like to receive an...
Work with Palantir
Réponse par Concurrence à Mathias Schindler ce .

Information non détenue.

Dear Mr Schindler,   We refer to your email dated 8 June 2020 in which you make a request for access to documents, registered under the above-ment...
Refused registration to Access to Documents requests
Réponse par Concurrence à Mathias Schindler ce .

Partiellement réussi.

Link: [1]File-List Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data Dear Sir ,   We refer to your  e-mail of 5 June 2020  in which you make a request for access to docu...
Copy of Annexes 471 & 472 from case M.8055
Réponse par Concurrence à Ian Gordon ce .


Dear Sir/ Madam,   Waybill Number: 6569357045     I write regarding the shipment sent from EUROPEAN COMMISSION on the 18th May 2020 which was t...
Information on state aid complaints
Réponse par Concurrence à Wim Piper ce .


Link: [1]File-List Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data Dear Mr Piper, We refer to your e-mail dated 13/03/2018 in which you make a request for access to docu...
Vestager meeting with Kratsios
Réponse par Concurrence à Samuel Stolton ce .


Dear Sir, Subject:       Your application for access to documents – Ref GestDem No 2020/0111 Please find attached a scan of the reply to your requ...
Policy and guidance on State aid and direct taxation
Réponse par Concurrence à Anna Gunn ce .

En attente de classement.

Link: [1]File-List Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data Dear Mrs Gunn,   We refer to your email sent on 4 June 2020  with the request for access to document...
Legal costs to DG COMP of defending decision in Case AT. 39740
Suivi envoyé à Concurrence par Johnny Ryan ce .

Information non détenue.

I am grateful for your reply. Thank you for examining the matter. Yours sincerely, Johnny Ryan
Legal costs to DG COMP of defending decision in Case AT.40099
Suivi envoyé à Concurrence par Johnny Ryan ce .

Information non détenue.

I am grateful for your response. Thank you for examining my request. Yours sincerely, Johnny Ryan
Dear Madam, Thank you for your e-mail of 24 April 2020 . We hereby acknowledge receipt of your application for access to documents, which was register...
Undertaking in Difficulty
Réponse par Concurrence à Terry King ce .

En attente de classement.

And the attachments mentioned,       Dear Mr. King,   Thank you for your e-mail of 22 April concerning the application of the notion of “u...
Marvellous. Thank you. Yours faithfully, Terry King
Vestager meeting with industriALL
Réponse par Concurrence à Jude Omidiran ce .

Partiellement réussi.

  Dear Sir, Subject:       Your application for access to documents – Ref GestDem No 2020/0238 Please find attached a scan of the reply to your...
Dear Sir / Madam,   Subject:               Your application for access to documents – Ref GestDem No 4990/2019   We refer to your letter e-mai...

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