Politique européenne de voisinage et négociations d'élargissement

Une Direction général de la Commision européenne, aussi appelé DG NEAR

141 demandes
Dear Sir or Madam, We hereby acknowledge the receipt of your request for access to documents sent on 14/11/2024 and registered on 15/11/2024 under t...
Time limit 6 December 2024
Dear Sir or Madam, We hereby acknowledge the receipt of your request for access to documents sent on 14/11/2024 and registered on 15/11/2024 under t...
Dear Mr Sabido, We are writing concerning your confirmatory request for access to Commission documents for case EASE 2024/4750 registered on 24/10/2...
Dear Sir or Madam, We hereby acknowledge the receipt of your request for access to documents sent on 26/10/2024 and registered on 28/10/2024 under t...

En retard depuis longtemps.

Dear Mr Nielsen, We refer to your demand of 14/05/2024 in which you make a request for access to documents, registered under the reference number Ca...
Dear Madam, We are writing to you concerning your request for access to documents sent on 19/04/2024 and registered on 23/04/2024 under case number...
Dear Sir, Please find attached a message concerning your request for access to Commission documents registered under the above case number 2024/0587...
Dear Mr Frances Mills, Thank you for your email. Kindly be informed that we are still processing your request. The first deadline expires today and...
EUTF - Tunisia

En attente de classement.

Dear applicant, Please find attached a message concerning your request for access to Commission documents registered under the above case number 202...
Dear Mr Riva, We refer to your request for access to documents registered under reference number EASE 2024/0918. We are afraid that the reply to y...
Dear Ms Bulman, Thank you for your email. We noticed that the below application is the same of your other request EASE 2024/0020 (see below), which w...
Complaint made: European Ombudsman
Dear Ms Bulman, We are writing concerning your request for access to Commission documents registered on 3 January 2024 under case number EASE 2024/0...
Dear Ms Croonenberg, Please find attached a message concerning your request for access to Commission documents registered under the above case numbe...
It has been four months, should I file a complaint with the European ombudsman or do you plan on replying to me soon? Yours faithfully, Antoine...
Dear Ms Dimitrova, Please find attached a message concerning your request for access to Commission documents registered under the above case number...
Link: [1]File-List Link: [2]themeData Link: [3]colorSchemeMapping [4]Your confirmatory application for access to documents under Regulation (EC) N...
Dear Ms Diehn, Please find attached a message concerning your request for access to Commission documents registered under the above case number 2023...
Your message has been received by the Transparency Unit of the Secretariat-General of the European Commission. Requests for public access to document...
Hello, We are writing concerning your confirmatory request for access to Commission documents for case 2022/5875 registered on 26/01/2023. We are...
- copies of material used during trainings given to representatives of third-countries, from November 2020 and today, on the following topics: *...
Link: [1]File-List Link: [2]themeData Link: [3]colorSchemeMapping [4]RE: Internal review of access to documents request - Access to documents requ...
Dear Mr Andrea Glioti, Please find attached a new correspondance concerning your confirmatory application 2022/4100. Kind regards Ref. Ares(2022)...

Seules les demandes faites en utilisant AsktheEU.org sont visibles. ?