Agence du GNSS européen

Une agence liée aux politiques de l'UE , aussi appelé GSA

7 demandes
Work with Palantir
Réponse par Agence du GNSS européen à Mathias Schindler ce .

Information non détenue.

Dear Mr. Schindler,                                                                                                                      By your req...
Dear Sir, Madam,   Thank you for your request for access to documents.   Unfortunately, you have not indicated your name and postal address whi...
Travel expenses of GSA Director
Réponse par Agence du GNSS européen à Helen Darbishire ce .


Dear Mrs. Darbishire,   Thank you for contacting the European GNSS Agency (GSA).   Please find attached a document which includes all the infor...
Galileo and Brexit
Réponse par Agence du GNSS européen à Abdul Hai ce .

En attente de classement.

Dear Sir, Thank you for contacting the European GNSS Agency. As an European Agency specialised in Satellite Navigation, we do not have any documents...
Travel expenses of GSA Director
Réponse par Agence du GNSS européen à Luisa Izuzquiza ce .


Dear Ms Izuzquiza,   In response to your application of 16 January 2018 for access to documents regarding travel expenses of GSA's Director, for t...
Rental contract
Demande d'évaluation interne envoyé à Agence du GNSS européen par Peter ce .

Handled by postal mail.

Please pass this on to the person who reviews confirmatory applications. I am filing the following confirmatory application with regards to my acc...
Rules for the implementation of Regulation 1049/2001
Demande d'évaluation interne envoyé à Agence du GNSS européen par N. K. Netzell ce .

En attente d'examen interne.

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews. I am still awaiting response to my request since August 14. No ac...

Seules les demandes faites en utilisant sont visibles. ?