Office de gestion et de liquidation des droits individuels

Un service de la Commision europénne, aussi appelé PMO

9 demandes
Mission costs

Partiellement réussi.

Dear Ms Pelo,   Please find enclosed a reply to your confirmatory application for public access to documents.   Due to the current exceptional...

retirée par le demandeur

Hello, Please find attached a message concerning your request for access to Commission documents registered under the above case number 2023/0898....

En attente de classement.

Madam Klaan, Please find attached document Ares(2021)1689036 from GEMBERG-WIESIKE Alexander (PMO) dated 08/03/2021. Best regards Pmo director Ref....
Payment statistics

Partiellement réussi.

Dear Ms Klann,   Following a technical problem with the application ARES, please find enclosed the note in subject signed by Christelle Fontbonne-Pr...
List of contracts

Partiellement réussi.

Dear Ms Klann,   Please find enclosed the note in subject signed by Ms Fontbonne, PMO.7 Acting Head of Unit,   Best regards,   FABIENNE MATHOREL...
Work with Palantir

En retard depuis longtemps.

Palantir Technologies, Inc. is a private company supplying products and services. I am asking for any information related to palantir and its pro...
Dear Sir,   We refer to our e-mail of 20 March 2019, by which we requested that you provide us with clarifications in relation to your access to d...
Payment statistics

En attente d'examen interne.

Dear Sir, Many thanks for your email. Please be informed that your request has been registered under Gestdem reference 2018/590. An acknowledgement...
Payment statistics

En attente de classement.

Dear Mr. Myland, Thank you for your request for access to documents. Unfortunately you have not indicated your postal address that is required for r...

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