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NME position paper on the DMA
mardi 11 mai 2021 21:44:36
News Media Europe position Digital Markets Act proposal April 2021[2][2][1][2][3][3][1].pdf
Dear all,
Please see attached, in case you have not already received it, News Media Europe’s latest paper
on the DMA. Among other things, they advocate for the inclusion of browsers and VAs in the
“As concerns the notion of core platform services, we note with concern the exclusion of
web browsers and digital voice assistants which appears arbitrary. Browsers and digital
voice assistants play an immensely important role in shaping the digital landscape and
can be exploited by gatekeepers to lock in users and to unilaterally impose standards.
This is also recognised in the impact assessment accompanying the DMA proposal1 , and
we therefore recommend including web browsers and digital voice assistants as a core
platform service. Considering the amount of problematic conduct that is being shifted to
browsers, such as Google’s Federated Learning of Cohorts (“FLoCs”), it becomes evident
that this is necessary.”
Best regards,