Ref. Ares(2022)4084109 - 01/06/2022
Daniel Calleja
Director-General DG ENV
Meeting with Syngenta to discuss the future of sustainable
agriculture and farming
(Webex, 29/05/2020, 15h)
Scene setter / Context:
Syngenta, one of the world’s leading companies for agrochemicals and seeds, has
contacted you to ‘explore how will agriculture and farming practices change in the
European Union over the next decade’.
Syngenta has sent a number of questions on the future of agriculture in the light of the
new CAP and the Green Deal, which shall steer the meeting.
Name of main contact person:
Telephone number:
Key messages
Green Deal and agriculture specific targets
The way we farm today is not sustainable, as biodiversity and ecosystem health on
farmland has suffered a dramatic decline. Therefore, we need to radically transform
our agricultural model towards full sustainability.
The Green Deal resets the Commission’s commitment to tackle climate and
environmental-related challenges on a much higher level of ambition. The
Commission has set specific targets and policy objectives in the new Biodiversity
Strategy and in the Farm to Fork Strategy. As regards agriculture, we aim to
address the key drivers of biodiversity decline, which are the loss of agricultural
diversity and pesticide pollution. The new commitments are:
to increase EU land under organic farming to at least 25%;
to promote non-productive and non-rotational set-aside and/or under
landscape features to reach at least 10% of utilised agricultural area;
to reduce the use and risk of chemical pesticides by 50%.
To reduce the loss of nutrients by 50%, resulting in the reduction of the
use of fertilisers (both mineral and organic) by 20%
Those targets are mutually supportive, landscape features improve biological pest
control and facilitate organic farming, while organic farming reduces the use of
chemical pesticides.
CAP post 2020 in light of the Green Deal
The Commission committed to carry out a thorough analysis of the CAP proposals
adopted in 2018 to see to what extent the proposals are fit to meet the goals of the
Green Deal, focussing in particular on how the proposal would enable to reduce the
use and risk of pesticides, fertilisers and antibiotics, which was published together
with the 2 Strategies on 20 May
To support the needed transition of EU agriculture towards sustainability, the
Commission proposal for CAP post 2020 includes a strengthened 'green
architecture’ compared to the current CAP, consisting in a higher baseline for
support (including maintaining permanent grassland for carbon storage) and more
incentives for environmental actions. There are new policy tools available (the eco-
schemes) that allow Member States to commit a share of direct payments to schemes
supporting farmers in their transition towards a more sustainable agriculture. Member
States are also required to prove in their CAP Strategic Plans that the measures
envisaged have a higher environmental and climate ambition than the current
The ‘Analysis of links between the CAP Reform and the Green Deal’ (published on
20 May) concludes that the reform does indeed have the potential to drive forward
the Green Deal, shown through concrete examples. Nonetheless, key elements of the
proposals must be maintained in the negotiating process, and certain improvements
and practical initiatives should be developed to facilitate the achievement of the
ambitions of the Green Deal. The analysis includes some recommendations that could
be implemented by the Commission to make the implementation more effective in
relation to the Green deal’s ambitions (e.g. increased transparency during the
approval of CAP strategic plans, structured dialogue with MS, pay special attention
to Green Deal aspects in relation to market-specific support programmes and coupled
income support).
Farm to Fork
It is widely understood that our present food system is not sustainable and that
systemic change, involving all of the relevant stakeholders, is essential. We need to
significantly reduce the footprint of our food systems (on land and soils, on water,
on marine resources, on biodiversity, on the climate…) both within and outside the
EU. Assessments undertaken at the Commission’s Joint Research Center indicate
that we should reduce our footprint by 50% in order to return to a level of
impact that is within planetary boundaries.
In fact, the long-term viability of our food production system itself depends on
healthy land and ecosystems, the very resources that our present food system is
damaging including through its massive CO2 emissions, soil degradation, water
contamination and production of waste.
The recently adopted Farm to Fork strategy shall catalyse a transformation of the
entire food system including production, processing, packaging, marketing and
consumption of food.
It complements the targets of the Biodiversity Strategy on pesticides, fertilizers,
organic farming and landscape features with a target on the reduction of use of
antimicrobials for farmed animals and in aquaculture (50%).
Shifting the EU food system towards sustainability will give the EU producers and
companies competitive first-mover advantages in the global market.
Speaking points or Speech
Note: The speaking points reflect the questions sent by
Objectives of agriculture and farming in the EU from a
policy and/or societal perspective
We need a transition to a sustainable agriculture that is
successful in all three dimensions of sustainability:
economic, social and environmental. On the other side,
the environmental sustainability is the basis on which the
other two pillars rely on, as without fertile, soil, clean
water or pollinators, much of agriculture production
becomes impossible.
The CAP proposal adopted by the Commission reflects
this ambition and is based on nine objectives aiming to
increase the contribution of EU agriculture to climate
change action, improve the management of natural
resources, ensure a fair economic return for farmers, and
reinforce the protection of biodiversity, among others.
Our present food production system is not sustainable
either environmentally, nor economically since
agriculture depends on healthy soils and ecosystem
services. We must ensure that the transition is achieved
in an economically and socially feasible manner and that
the farming community is fully involved in the
The Farm to Fork Strategy sets out a transformation
towards an equitable, sustainable food system, which
will ensure the availability of healthy, safe food. It will
take a systemic approach including promoting the fair
distribution of value across the supply chain. The Farm
to Fork Strategy shall contribute to recovery in a way
that builds resilience for the future.
The Biodiversity Strategy contains ambitious and
realistic commitments for greater protection for nature
and a plan to restore ecosystems. Unless we protect and
restore our natural ecosystems, we will not be able to
deliver on our climate change goals, and nor will we be
able to ensure a sustainable food system fit for future
Both strategies will have an impact on the farming
systems in the EU to enable a transformative change:
they include targets aiming to provide space for nature,
promote organic farming and reduce inputs of pesticides
and fertilizers.
We count on your support to help us embrace this
transition and make sure the win-win potential
(economic and environmental gains) is fully tapped.
Evolution of farming and agriculture in the next decade
One of the trends will be the growing importance of
knowledge, data and technology in farming. Expansion
of precision farming will allow reducing inputs while
improving harvests. But also the knowledge about nature
based solutions will be key.
At the same time, driven by the new CAP and the Green
Deal, but also by societal demand, we will experience a
more fundamental change: the move towards
environmentally friendly farming with expansion of
agro-ecology and organic farming, and also animal
welfare will become more important. Consumers are
increasingly interested in quality products, and many of
them are willing to pay a premium for better quality.
This means that farmers will have greater incentives to
produce quality food, adapted to more local markets and
supported by quality labels.
Short circuits are also developing everywhere, allowing
to consumers more affordable quality or organic
products and farmers higher benefits and direct link with
the consumers.
Impact of the new CAP and the Green Deal on farmers
during the next decade
Generally speaking, this is an opportunity for farmers to
rethink their business, moving away from conventional
high input farming with many negative impacts on the
natural capital. They should embrace a more holistic and
long-term approach instead, applying new farming
practices, such as agro-ecology or organic farming.
The CAP reform shall support greener farming practices.
Some changes will stem directly from legislation (e.g.
enhanced conditionality), some changes will result from
voluntary commitments supported by the CAP. In any
case, however, much will depend on the choices of
Member States as the new CAP provides much more
leverage for MS to set up national priorities and targets
and programme the measures they consider most
appropriate. I hope they will be ambitious and provide
significant added value sustainability for every euro
The Farm to Fork Strategy and the Biodiversity Strategy
include high-level targets (such as space for nature on
agricultural land, area under organic farming, reduction
of use and risk of pesticides and the reduction of
nutrients). Member States will have to take into account
these targets in their CAP strategic plans and design
policies to implement them on the ground
I will give you some examples of implications for
o In the new CAP, crop rotation will be required. This
means that farmers will diversify their production,
but also that they will have to find more diversified
markets for their products.
o Another example: agro-ecology systems have high
productivity and climate change resilience, but they
also lead to new types of production (e.g. non-food
biomass), which requires adapted harvesting, and
also new markets.
It is important to ensure that Member States accompany
farmers in the transition towards sustainable practices,
providing them advice and incentives e.g. to apply
Integrated Pest Management to reduce the use and the
risk of pesticides. The same applies to environmentally
friendly techniques like nutrient reduction, agro-ecology
and organic farming,
The changes we expect from agriculture in the next years
require knowledge and data, including on ecosystems
and nature-based solutions. It is essential to improve the
knowledge and skills of farmers and ensure they have
access to the internet even in remote areas to reap the
benefits of new technologies. This will enable farmers to
embrace low impact techniques and effective nature-
based solutions, building on agroecological principles.
COVID-19 and the importance of self-sufficiency of food
production in the EU
The pandemic has exposed and exacerbated the
vulnerability of our globalised and interconnected world.
Its impact on our health, societies and economies is
profound and long-lasting. However, this difficult
moment offers us an opportunity to lay the ground for a
new normal with resilience and sustainability at its
core. Also because the impact of climate change is
stronger year by year.
The European Green Deal is Europe’s growth strategy.
As we exit the immediate crisis at hand, it will have a
central role to play in the EU’s recovery efforts, and in
achieving a just, sustainable and rapid recovery and
ultimately a just and fair transition, which leaves no-one
The Green Deal is central to achieving the wider
objectives of an EU recovery plan:
o structural reform, which will be needed to
accompany a successful transition to more
sustainable economies;
o strategic autonomy, as shorter, more diversified
supply chains will be facilitated by keeping raw
materials in the EU through circular economy
projects, as well as through more sustainable and
local food systems..
o making the EU more resilient, in particular in a
context where climate and environment risks
remain major. Economic resilience also depends
strongly on green investments as these reap better
sustainability returns than brown ones, while
providing similar growth and jobs creation than
brown investment.
Digital & Green: the green transition should also be a
digital one, and there is huge potential to develop green
data clouds, and digital products which help fostering the
protection of the environment, informing citizens, and
fostering compliance from Member States to
environmental legislation, to quote just a few examples.
COVID-19 is leading to rethinking production and
supply chains not only in Europe, but across the globe.
The crisis has made us realise how dependent our
agriculture and food production system is on long
distance transport. Every year, 3 billion tonnes of
agricultural and food produce are transported by road.
This represents 540 trillion tonne-kilometres! One may
question whether these transports make sense.
The crisis is ongoing and it is not easy to anticipate the
outcome of the current reflections nor whether possible
short-term changes will be maintained over time.
We believe that food security should not be an issue. The
EU has a significant export surplus (20% of the
production), and we cannot claim that food production is
generally sinking (although some particular crops are
suffering from border closure or shortage of labour
force). However, the crisis could reinforce short supply
We do not expect the Green Deal to affect adversely
food production in the EU. However, we may see some
adjustments. For instance, domestic production of
protein crops will be beneficial from a perspective to
enhance crop rotation. It will replace some imports from
regions, where deforestation is still on going. This will
also be beneficial to reduce fertiliser use and GHG
Finally we expect that the strong commitments in the
Farm to Fork Strategy on food waste, would further
reduce the pressure on food production and increase food
security in the EU.
Farmers income from non-crop activities (carbon
economy) in the future
We expect that crops will remain the main income
source for most farmers. However, it depends very much
on the type of farming, the region in which the farm is
located and the policy of the MS. We are seeing a clear
trend for the diversification of the activities of farmers,
especially in certain EU countries, including in tourism
and educational activities.
The new CAP should pave the way for a transition
towards sustainable models and Member States are best
advised to support climate action from farmers. This will
entail biomass from residues, but also other forms of
renewable energy. Farmers can e.g. set up solar parks in
combination with grazing, etc. This can also be
beneficial from a biodiversity perspective.
Utilisation of waste and residues offers interesting
opportunities from a circular economy and alternative
income perspective.
In addition, eco-schemes and results-based payment
schemes can reward farmers for keeping natural habitats
or providing ecosystem services. e.g. restoration and
maintenance of peatland and marshlands could be
rewarded in view of their importance as carbon sinks,
and for biodiversity.
Impact of new technologies on crops grown by farmers.
Impacts of the new CAP and the Green Deal on these
Indeed, new techniques, as well as the new policies may
have an impact on the types of crops chosen by farmers.
Novel techniques, such as robotics for mechanical
weeding will facilitate some crops over others, without
causing soil or air pollution.
Advanced cropping systems, such as multicropping
(growing several crops at the same time on the field)
have productivity advantages. These systems will be
facilitated by breeding varieties such that they reach
maturity at the same time. This will also increase the
resilience, as if one crop is affected by a pest or by
drought, the others might be spared.
The policy targets to reduce inputs will make precision
farming more popular. In addition, application of
Integrated Pest Management will also increase
significantly, promoting effective nature-based solutions.
Expansion of organic farming and agro-ecology will be
supported by additional research, which will contribute
to further improve their yield.
Most needed innovation in agriculture
The focus should be innovation that contributes to
ensuring the sustainability of agriculture. In the past
most of the research has been focused on technological
innovation, but it is becoming evident that the challenges
related to biodiversity and climate change in agriculture
can be better addressed though knowledge-intensive
nature-based solution, recreating effective and self-
regulating ecosystems.
As a first step, we have to dramatically increase
knowledge of farmers. There are many Horizon 2020 or
CIP projects showing that innovative farming options
such as organic farming and agro-ecology can lead to
win-win solutions. However, the farming community is
not sufficiently aware of them or does not know how to
implement them. Improving the educational background
of farmers (supported also by the generational renewal),
as well as the quality of training and advice, especially
as regards environmental issues is key.
We also expect a lot of progress in alternative pest
control and replacement of chemical pesticides.
Switching from preventive treatments to systems where
pests are monitored and pest control is applied when
needed requires changes in farming practices.
The breeding of resistant varieties that require less
treatments will be facilitated. Productivity will remain an
important breeding goal, but it will be accompanied by
the development of trends that facilitate low impact
Overall, we want to see a change from supplying plant
protection products towards providing pest control
services. Companies like Syngenta could offer
innovative solutions to farmers, including decision-
support systems, and services.
Background information
Common Agricultural Policy
There is clear evidence that the way in which we farm today is not sustainable.
Biodiversity on farmland has suffered a dramatic decline. We lost 80% of insect
populations and 60% of farmland birds. Agriculture is responsible for 10% of Europe’s
GHG and we have sustained emissions of air pollutants, nutrient pollution and soil
degradation. We need to start transforming the agricultural model. The CAP will be
instrumental to achieving this goal.
A. Key environment requirements as regards the CAP post 2020
The CAP proposal includes elements allowing Member States to fund farmers in their
transition to a sustainable agriculture, while delivering in terms of climate, biodiversity,
water, air and soil protection. An article of the proposal states an increased ambition as
regards environmental and climate-related objectives for the CAP Strategic Plans (CAP
SP). According to the Commission proposal, an increased level of environmental
ambition would be mainly achieved by:
an enhanced conditionality (basic conditions for receiving payments such as
maintenance of permanent pastures, crop rotation, soil cover, maintenance of
landscape features);
eco-schemes (environmental measures financed under direct payments);
enhanced funding for environment-climate measures under rural development;
reinforced alignment with the environmental legislation.
Direct payments and market measures: Direct payments will be conditional on
environment and climate requirements. The new conditionality is reinforced as includes
both current cross-compliance and greening and elements of the WFD and the Directive
on the use of pesticides, new conditions for Natura 2000 and for soil.
Eco-schemes: MS can offer eco-schemes to support farmers in going beyond
conditionality. Eco-schemes are environmental measures, voluntary for farmers.
Member States will have to offer such eco-schemes to all farmers. There is no
ring-fencing for the eco-schemes compared to the previous 30% for greening.
Operational Programme for fruit and vegetables sector: At least 20% of
expenditure under the Operational Programme (OP) must be for methods of
production respectful of the environment and for mitigation and adaptation to
climate change (compared to the current 10%).
Rural development: At least 30% of each rural development allocation has to be
dedicated to environment and climate actions. This percentage is the same as for the
current Rural Development Programmes, but the basis for the calculation changed as
Areas under Natural Constrains (ANC) having an economic dimension will not count
against the environmental and climate objectives any longer.
The European Green Deal, the EU 2030 Biodiversity Strategy
The European Green Deal resets the Commission’s commitment to tackling climate
change and curtailing biodiversity loss in a broad agenda to tackle environment-related
challenges. It recognizes the global nature of these challenges and that the EU can use its
influence, expertise and resources to mobilize efforts and lead the world on a path to
To ensure that the EU plays a key role in the global biodiversity negotiations, the
European Green Deal announces a Biodiversity Strategy to be presented by the
Commission in Spring 2020, and to be followed up by specific action in 2021. The
strategy will outline the EU’s position for the Conference of the Parties, with global
targets to protect biodiversity, as well as commitments to address the main causes of
biodiversity loss in the EU, underpinned by measurable objectives that address the main
causes of biodiversity loss. The biodiversity strategy is to identify specific measures to
meet these objectives, including legislation.
The European Green Deal reiterates that all EU policies should contribute to preserving
and restoring Europe’s natural capital, including key initiatives announced in its
framework such as the Farm to Fork Strategy, work towards zero pollution and the
Circular Economy strategy. It further emphasizes the need to address biodiversity and
climate change in a coherent manner.
The EU Biodiversity Strategy contains the following elements:
EU 2050 vision: by 2050, biodiversity and the benefits it provides to people will be
protected, valued and restored.
EU 2030 mission: to put nature on a path by 2030 for the benefit of people, climate and
the planet.
EU commitments to:
o Expand the area and improve the management of protected sites
o Restore protected habitats and species and healthy ecosystems across
land (including agroecosystems, forests, freshwater and wetlands, as
well as urban environments), and marine ecosystems, both within and
outside protected areas.
o Alongside active restoration, reduce the constant pressure on nature
from the main drivers of biodiversity loss across ecosystems. These
drivers include land use change; overexploitation of natural resources;
climate change; pollution; and invasive alien species.
o Deliver nature-based solutions for climate mitigation and adaptation
o Reconcile biodiversity protection and the need for biomass
o Enable transformative change through ensuring sufficient financing, a
conducive economy, a solid scientific underpinning and enhanced
awareness, education and skills. It will be essential to ensure better
implementation, enforcement and governance for biodiversity, as well
as to mobilise ownership and responsibility across the economy and
society to address the drivers of loss.
Agricultural aspects of the Biodiversity Strategy and synergies with Farm to Fork
As part of the European Green Deal, the Commission plans to publish the new
Biodiversity Strategy in Spring 2020, together with the Farm to Fork Strategy.
The Farm to Fork Strategy and the Biodiversity Strategy jointly set out targets
addressing: pollution from pesticides and nutrients, loss of structural diversity and too
high levels of intensification of production. The targets to be reached by 2030 will
o An increase in the share of organic farming and other agro-ecological
practices to reach 25%;
o a reduction by 50% of the use and risk of chemical pesticides and a
reduction by 50% of the risk entailed use by of high-risk pesticides;
o a reduction of nutrient pollution resulting from excess fertilisation. The
Commission will promote the goal of zero pollution from nitrogen and
phosphorus flows from fertilisers through reducing nutrient losses by at
least 50%. This target will also result in the reduction of use of
fertilisers by at least 20%. ;
o bringing back to nature at least 10% of utilised agricultural area under
high-diversity landscapes, like buffer strips, rotational or non-rotational
fallow land, or landscape features.
Member States are expected to take these new targets into account in their national CAP
Strategic Plans.
Additional crucial action will be the full implementation and the review of the EU
pollinators’ initiative by the end of 2020. On the basis of the review, the Commission
will propose additional measures if and where necessary.
Farm to Fork:
The F2F strategy was developed over the past year in a collaborative effort between the
various Commission services.
During the public consultation period from 17 February 2020 to 20 March 2020, 654
contributions were received in total. The main points of interest were:
• the overall framework of the Farm to Fork strategy, especially the
strategy’s methodology, its coherence with other EU policies, and the
necessary focus on R&I
• international aspects, in particular preserving the competitiveness of the
EU food sector compared with third countries ;
• production aspects, such as farmers’ position in the food chain and
pesticides and fertiliser use ;
• processing and distribution issues ;
• consumption and food labelling, especially origin and nutritional labelling
• food waste and the circular economy.
The F2F strategy also takes into account the report of the Commission’s Group of Chief
Scientific Advisors (Towards a sustainable food system, March 2020)
The Communication can be found at
fork-strategy-fair-healthy-and-environmentally-friendly-food-system. It announces that
the Commission will:
- take additional action to reduce the overall use and risk of chemical pesticides by
50% and the use of more hazardous pesticides13by 50% by 2030.
- act to reduce nutrient losses by at least 50%, while ensuring that there is no
deterioration in soil fertility. This will reduce the use of fertilisers by at least
20%by 2030.
- take action to reduce overall EU sales of antimicrobials for farmed animals and in
aquaculture by 50% by 2030
The action plan in annex includes (inter alia) commitments to:
- revise the relevant implementing Regulations under the Plant Protection Products
framework to facilitate placing on the market of plant protection products
containing biological active substances in 2021
- propose a revision of the Sustainable Use of Pesticides Directive to significantly
reduce use and risk and dependency on pesticidesand enhance Integrated Pest
Management in 2022.
- propose a revision of the pesticides statistics Regulation to overcome data gaps
and reinforce evidence-based policy making in 2023
- present a proposal for a legislative framework for sustainable food systems in