Ref. Ares(2022)5427031 - 28/07/2022
Internal rules for the handling of
allegations of fraud and other irregularities,
and of OLAF cases
(Version 3.1)
Applicable as from 16 October 2020
For agreement:
Wolfgang Burtscher
V. 3.1 final
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1. PURPOSE AND SCOPE ............................................................................................... 4
2. ACTORS CONCERNED ................................................................................................ 5
IRREGULARITIES IN EXTERNAL CASES .................................................................. 6
Communication of allegations of external fraud within
DG AGRI .............................................................................................. 6
3.1.1. Incoming allegations from third parties .......................................... 6
3.1.2. Elements of possible fraud detected in an audit ............................. 6
Referral of allegations of fraud or another irregularity
in external cases from DG AGRI to OLAF ..................................... 7
3.2.1. Registration of incoming information .............................................. 7
3.2.2. Analysis of incoming information..................................................... 7
3.2.3. Communication with the sender of allegations ............................... 8 Referral to OLAF ................................................................................. 8 Non-referral to OLAF ......................................................................... 8
Special provisions in relation to allegations of food
fraud ................................................................................................... 8
3.3.1. Allegations that non-organic products are falsely put on
the market as organic ........................................................................ 9
3.3.2. Allegations of fraud and irregularities in the activities by
the authorities or bodies certifying and/or inspecting
organic operators ............................................................................... 9
3.3.3. Abuse of Quality Denominations (Protected Designations
of Origin (PDOs), Protected Geographical Indications
(PGIs), and Traditional Specialties Guaranteed (TSGs)) .............. 10
3.3.4. Other cases of food fraud................................................................. 10
PROCEEDINGS (INTERNAL CASES) ....................................................................... 11
Reporting of allegations in internal cases ................................ 11
Analysis of the contents of the allegations ............................... 12
Transmission of allegations to OLAF or IDOC .......................... 12
Information of the staff member concerned ............................ 12
Opening of an internal investigation by OLAF or IDOC .......... 13
Closure of an internal investigation by OLAF or IDOC ........... 13
4.6.1. Closure with follow-up by OLAF ..................................................... 13
V. 3.1 Final
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4.6.2. Closure with follow-up by IDOC ..................................................... 13
Dismissal of the allegations by OLAF or IDOC or
closure of the investigation without follow-up ....................... 13
IN EXTERNAL CASES ............................................................................................... 14
Reception of OLAF documents .................................................... 14
Contacts with OLAF ........................................................................ 14
Dismissal of allegations by OLAF ................................................ 14
Handling of Final Reports from OLAF ........................................ 15
5.4.1. Final Report without recommendations ........................................ 15
5.4.2. Final Report with recommendations ............................................. 15
5.4.3. Debt management by Directorate H ............................................... 17
5.4.4. OLAF final report suggests the existence of systemic
problems ........................................................................................... 17
measures by OLAF before issuing a final report ..................... 18
6. REPORTING BY THE AFC ........................................................................................ 18
Reporting to the Director-General and Directorate AGRI.R ......................... 18
Reporting to OLAF .......................................................................................... 18
7. OLAF CASE DATABASE ............................................................................................ 19
V. 3.1 Final
The present rules define the internal procedures in DG AGRI related
to the handling of allegations of fraud and other irregularities
committed by third parties in any domain under the administrative
and budgetary competence of DG AGRI (external cases)1,
to the handling of allegations of facts linked to the performance of
professional activities which may constitute a breach of obligations by
officials and other staff of DG AGRI likely to lead to disciplinary or
criminal proceedings (internal cases) and
to the handling of external and internal OLAF cases.
They complement and detail the provisions of
the Communication of the Commission on the division of the
responsibilities between OLAF and the AODs in the Commission
concerning the financial follow-up of irregularities in the domain of
Community expenditure under shared management in the
agricultural and structural actions area2,
the Commission’s Anti-Fraud Strategy 2019 (CAFS 2019)3,
the Administrative Arrangements on Co-operation and a Timely
Exchange of Information between the European Commission and the
European Anti-Fraud Office4 and
the DG AGRI Anti-Fraud Strategy (AGRI AFS) Version 4.05.
They repeal the instructions laid down in the note of 9.2.2005 (D(2005)2364) and
modify the instructions laid down in the note of 15.9.2009 (D(2009)7803) on the
follow-up of OLAF-recommendations by Directorate AGRI.J. In relation to
internal cases, they repeal the instructions laid down in the note of 15.10.2012
1 It does not concern administrative errors committed by the relevant authorities in the Member States.
2 C(2007)5709
3 COM(2019)196 final
4 Ares(2018)6222271 – 04/12/2018
V. 3.1 Final
The implementation of the AGRI AFS is a joint responsibility of all services in
the DG, but the following actors play key roles in the procedures addressed by
this document:
AGRI Anti-Fraud Correspondent (AFC): In its function of
coordinating the AGRI AFS, the AFC shall receive and evaluate all
incoming information, including from whistle-blowers, potentially
relating to external and internal cases as described above, and
coordinate external and internal cases with OLAF and the competent
services of the Commission and of DG AGRI. In addition, the AFC will
co-ordinate and oversee the follow-up of OLAF recommendations
following investigations.
Directors in DG AGRI: They are the contact points for the AFC; they
ensure that all relevant information in the area of fraud and other
irregularities is provided to the AFC and that the results of external
cases are, where applicable, correctly followed up in their
directorates. Directors may delegate this task in their respective
directorate and communicate their choice to the AFC.
Directorate H “Assurance and audit”: In the context of its mission
to provide reasonable assurance on the CAP expenditure in shared
management and to perform the financial clearance of accounts and
related procedures, Directorate H ensures the appropriate follow-up
of recommendations made by OLAF where the recommendations
could lead to the application of a financial correction.. Directorate H
plays a central role in monitoring the establishment of amounts due
by the paying agencies in the MS and following up recoveries of
amounts fraudulently or irregularly claimed by beneficiaries in the
context of the clearance of accounts (unit AGRI.H.5).
Directorate I “Legal, institutional and procedural matters”: In its
competence to deal with infringements, unit AGRI.I.3 shall refer all
incoming information potentially relating to external fraud and other
irregularities to the AFC. In case of legal questions related to
agricultural law, Unit AGRI.I.1 should be consulted.
Authorising Officers by Sub-delegation (AOSD): Shared and
indirect management: Once the Commission decision on the refusal of
expenditure has been adopted6, the competent AOSDs are responsible
for the implementation of the financial corrections at programme
6 Financial clearance: Art. 51 of R(EU)1306/2013, Art. 12 of Commission Delegated R(EU)907/2014;
conformity clearance: Art. 52 of R(EU)1306/2013, Art. 12 (3) of Commission Delegated
V. 3.1 Final
level7. Direct management: The competent AOSD for the area of direct
management concerned is responsible for issuing the relevant
recovery orders.
Directorate R “Resources”: In relation to internal cases, the HR
Business Correspondent in unit AGRI.R.5 together with the AMC2
shall enact, upon instruction from or with the agreement of the
concerning the AGRI staff member subject of allegations linked to the
performance of professional activities which may constitute a breach of
obligations by officials and other staff of DG AGRI likely to lead to
disciplinary or criminal proceedings.
3.1. Communication of allegations of external fraud within DG AGRI
3.1.1. Incoming allegations from third parties
Any service and any staff member of DG AGRI receiving
written or oral information containing allegations of fraud or
another irregularity shall
refer this information to the AFC
without delay.
Where the AFC has directly received allegations of a
potential case of fraud or another irregularity from
a third
party in writing, the AFC shall use this information for a
possible transmission to OLAF. If the AFC has received the
information from
a third party orally, the AFC will lay the
information down in detailed note. The note shall explain the
circumstances under which the information was received, the
contents of the information, the identity of the informant
where its disclosure has been agreed and the contact details of
the informant.
3.1.2. Elements of possible fraud detected in an audit
The same as outlined above applies to red flags for fraud or
fraud indicators identified in the course of an
audit undertaken by auditors of Directorate H8. They shall refer such
elements to the AFC by sending of a copy of the audit report or
a generic note including annexes as appropriate.
7 Vade-mecum on the relations between Directorates J, E, F, G and H; point 3.6.
8 IIA Standard 1210 applies in these situations.
V. 3.1 Final
In the context of the audit, the auditors shall abstain from
undertaking investigative actions, in particular from
contacting third parties or potential witnesses in order to
clarify elements of possible fraud detected9.
3.2. Referral of allegations of fraud or another irregularity in external
cases from DG AGRI to OLAF
3.2.1. Registration of incoming information
Upon reception of allegations of fraud or another irregularity
as an external case, the AFC shall
register the information in
a central database10 identifying the source of information, the
Member State concerned, the contents of the allegation, and its
date of reception.
3.2.2. Analysis of incoming information
The AFC shall proceed to an
analysis of the information
received in order to determine if its contents contains
elements that fall into the investigative competence of OLAF.
The process of analysis of any information received shall be
assisted - upon request of the AFC – by the unit competent for
the matter.
Where the contents of the information received suggests that
investigative competence of OLAF appears to be
established or cannot be clearly excluded, the AFC shall
refer the information to OLAF.
The referral to OLAF shall be done by a
communication to the OLAF Single-Point-of-Entry11, which
– as the case may require – will provide any useful further
information to OLAF in order to evaluate the allegations and
contribute to its decision whether or not to open an
investigation or a coordination case.
As appropriate, a copy of the note shall be made available to
the unit(s) in DG AGRI concerned by the matter.
9 External audits on the proper functioning of the control system for organics and for agricultural
quality products are carried out by the Food and Veterinary Office in DG SANTE. Unit AGRI.B.4
and B.3 will refer to the AFC any elements of possible fraud or irregularities gained in the course
of such audits.
xxxxxxxxxxxx@xx.xxxxxx.xx via Areslook
V. 3.1 Final
Where the
information received contains no element to
suggest fraud or any other irregularity affecting the
financial interests of the EU and OLAF therefore has manifestly
no investigative competence, the AFC shall abstain from a
referral to OLAF. The service or staff having provided the
information shall be informed hereof.
However, if the information received contains elements that
merit the attention of DG AGRI, the AFC shall transmit the
information to the competent unit.
3.2.3. Communication with the sender of allegations
Any service having received written or oral information
containing allegations of a potential case of fraud or another
shall not inform the sender whether or not his
allegations shall be referred to OLAF without prior
consultation of the AFC. The AFC will inform the service of
his views in writing.
Depending on the decision of the AFC whether or not to refer
the allegations to OLAF, the responsibility for communication
with the sender regarding the follow-up given to his
correspondence lies with the unit in charge of the substance of
the file (which may not be the unit that had received the
information initially).
Referral to OLAF
If the allegations shall be referred to OLAF, it will be
the AFC or the unit in DG AGRI in agreement with
the AFC having received the allegations to inform
the sender of this decision.
Non-referral to OLAF
Depending on the contents of the allegations
(management or control problems of a systemic
nature; non-financial infringements; management of
market measures or direct payment schemes or of
rural development programmes, etc.), the service
competent for the subject matter in question shall
respond to the sender in accordance with its normal
practise (directly or through the AFC).
3.3. Special provisions in relation to allegations of food fraud
Allegations of food fraud can concern in particular the following
V. 3.1 Final
Non-organic products are falsely put on the market as organic.
Two different cases are possible:
the producer or processor receives EAGF or EAFRD funds; or the
producer or processor or other operator (wholesaler, retailer,
trader) does not receive EAGF or EAFRD funds;
Fraud and/or other irregularities in the activities carried out by the
authorities or bodies certifying and/or inspecting organic operators.
Abuse of Quality Denominations (Protected Designations of Origin
(PDOs), Protected Geographical
(PGIs), and
Traditional Specialties Guaranteed (TSGs)).
3.3.1. Allegations that non-organic products are falsely put on the
market as organic
Such allegations shall be sent to unit AGRI.B.4 and to the AFC.
When such allegations come from a Member State, Unit AGRI.B.4
will be informed via the Organic Farming Information System
AFC will verify with the help of unit AGRI.H.1 whether the
alleged perpetrator has received or receives EAGF or EAFRD
funds for organic farming. Should the perpetrator have received or
receive such EAGF or EAFRD funding, the AFC will transfer the
allegations to OLAF.
Independently from EU funds being involved in the case, unit
1) will systematically address the competent authorities in the
Member State(s) concerned to request information and follow-up,
2) will consider informing the Committee on Organic Production
(COP) as appropriate,
3) will liaise with unit AGRI.I.3: Enforcement of legislation,
infringements, in the context of a possible infringement against EU
law as appropriate.
At the same time, Unit AGRI.B.4 will decide on a case-by-case
basis to inform unit SANTE.G.5 for a possible transfer of the
information to the national food fraud contact points.
3.3.2. Allegations of fraud and irregularities in the activities by the
authorities or bodies certifying and/or inspecting organic
Such allegations shall be sent to unit AGRI.B.4 – via OFIS when
coming from a Member State - and to the AFC.
V. 3.1 Final
Unit AGRI.B.4 will address the competent authorities in the
Member State(s) or Third Country(ies) concerned or, in case of
control bodies in Third Countries that the Commission recognised
as equivalent for imports of organic products in the EU, the control
body and/or the accreditation body to request information and
follow-up as appropriate.
For control bodies operating in non equivalent third countries, Unit
AGRI.B.4 will assess the allegation on a case by case basis and
possibly take measures against the operator.
3.3.3. Abuse of Quality Denominations (Protected Designations of
Origin (PDOs), Protected Geographical Indications (PGIs), and
Traditional Specialties Guaranteed (TSGs))
The fraudulent abuse of Quality Denominations can take the
following forms:
At producer level:
A producer benefiting from a Quality Denomination does not
respect the approved product specification.
At market level:
A producer or a vendor uses a Quality Denomination without
Such allegations shall be sent to unit AGRI.B.3 and to the AFC.
The AFC will verify with the help of unit AGRI.H.1 whether – in
case a producer benefiting form a Quality Denomination does not
respect the product specification - the alleged perpetrator has
received or receives EAFRD funds towards implementing the
quality scheme. Should this be the case, the matter shall be referred
to OLAF.
Independently from EU funds being involved in the case, unit
AGRI.B.3 will assess if information needs to be addressed for the
attention of the competent authorities in the Member State(s)
Unit AGRI.B.3 will decide, on a case-to-case basis, if information
shall be addressed for the attention of the competent authorities in
the Member State(s) concerned via the Administrative Assistance
and Cooperation System (AAC) managed by DG SANTE. In such
case, unit SANTE.G.5 will be contacted.
3.3.4. Other cases of food fraud
Allegations concerning other cases of food fraud shall be
communicated by the AFC to unit SANTE.G.5 and the concerned
market unit in DG AGRI.
V. 3.1 Final
4.1. Reporting of allegations in internal cases
The communication of allegations of internal illegal activities is a
statutory obligation for staff members. Article 22a of the Staff
Regulations stipulates the following:
1. Any official who, in the course of or in connection with the
performance of his duties, becomes aware of facts which give rise to a
presumption of the existence of possible illegal activity, including fraud
or corruption, detrimental to the interests of the Union, or of conduct
relating to the discharge of professional duties which may constitute a
serious failure to comply with the obligations of officials of the Union,
shall without delay inform either his immediate superior or his Director-
General or, if he considers it useful, the Secretary-General, or the persons
in equivalent positions, or the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) direct.
Information mentioned in the first subparagraph shall be given in
This paragraph shall also apply in the event of serious failure to comply
with a similar obligation on the part of a Member of an institution or
any other person in the service of or carrying out work for an institution.
2. Any official receiving the information referred to in paragraph 1 shall
without delay transmit to OLAF any evidence of which he is aware from
which the existence of the irregularities referred to in paragraph 1 may
be presumed.
3. An official shall not suffer any prejudicial effects on the part of the
institution as a result of having communicated the information referred
to in paragraphs 1 and 2, provided that he acted reasonably and
4. Paragraphs 1 to 3 shall not apply to documents, deeds, reports, notes
or information in any form whatsoever held for the purposes of, or
created or disclosed to the official in the course of, proceedings in legal
cases, whether pending or closed.
Where a staff member of DG AGRI opts to report allegations of
internal illegal activities inside DG AGRI, he may also choose to report
12 Officials, temporary and contractual agents, Seconded National Experts, National Experts in Professional
Training, trainees, intérimaires.
V. 3.1 Final
to the AFC. As a rule, this report shall be in writing and be
accompanied by supporting documents where applicable.
Should the staff member prefer to report allegations of internal illegal
activities orally, he shall be heard by the AFC, who will draft a record
of the staff member's statements, the agreed version of which the staff
member shall sign. The AFC will inform the Director-General of the
allegations without delay.
If a staff member has reported allegations of internal illegal activities
to his immediate superior, the superior shall immediately inform the
Director-General or the AFC, who in his turn will inform the Director-
For the sake of confidentiality and contrary to external cases, no
information on internal cases will be registered in an electronic
database. Case files will be kept in paper form only and kept under
lock and key in the Director-General's or the AFC’s archives.
4.2. Analysis of the contents of the allegations
Following reception of the allegations, the AFC will proceed without
delay to an analysis of the contents of the allegations with a view to
determine if they shall be sent to OLAF or – where the allegations only
point to the infringement of statutory obligations - to the
Investigation and Disciplinary Office of the Commission (IDOC) or
whether the allegations do not point at any possible wrongdoing.
The AFC will draft a reasoned proposal to the Director-General and
seek his approval on the proposed action.
4.3. Transmission of allegations to OLAF or IDOC
On the basis of a corresponding agreement by the Director-General,
the AFC drafts the report to refer the allegations to OLAF or IDOC. The
report shall be signed by the Director-General or his deputy.
The transmission report and all other subsequent correspondence in
the matter shall be registered in ARES with the appropriate security
label ('OLAF operations'; 'Staff matter', etc.) under the heading
4.4. Information of the staff member concerned
The staff member concerned by the allegations transmitted to OLAF
or IDOC shall not be informed about the allegations against him or the
referral to OLAF or IDOC without the written agreement from the
office concerned. The same applies to precautionary measures
applied to the staff member.
V. 3.1 Final
4.5. Opening of an internal investigation by OLAF or IDOC
Following the opening of an internal investigation by OLAF or IDOC,
the AFC shall be in charge of satisfying any cooperation requests
(transmission of documents or other information, etc.) from either of
the offices.
Where, following the opening of an internal investigation, OLAF or
IDOC request that conservatory measures be taken against the staff
member concerned, the Director-General or the AFC shall relay this
request immediately to the Director of Directorate AGRI.R for further
4.6. Closure of an internal investigation by OLAF or IDOC
4.6.1. Closure with follow-up by OLAF
OLAF may close the internal case with judicial, disciplinary or
administrative follow-up. In the event of a judicial follow-up,
OLAF will refer the matter to the competent judicial authority.
In the event of disciplinary follow-up, OLAF will refer the
matter to IDOC. Except when it is called upon to provide
specific assistance in these modes of follow-up, DG AGRI has
no other specific responsibilities in this phase.
4.6.2. Closure with follow-up by IDOC
IDOC may recommend to the Disciplinary Authority to initiate
disciplinary proceedings against the staff member concerned.
During the disciplinary procedure DG AGRI has no specific
responsibilities other than providing assistance as requested.
Should the Disciplinary Authority validly impose a disciplinary
sanction against the staff member, the implementation of the
sanction is under the responsibility of the Appointing Authority.
DG AGRI will contribute to the implementation of the sanction as
4.7. Dismissal of the allegations by OLAF or IDOC or closure of the
investigation without follow-up
Where OLAF or IDOC dismiss the allegations and do not open an
investigation, DG AGRI as a rule need not follow up the matter any
further. It shall be decided on a case to case basis if the staff member
concerned be informed about the matter.
The paper file concerned as mentioned under point 4.1 above will be
V. 3.1 Final
5.1. Reception of OLAF documents
Final Reports of OLAF are addressed to the Director-General of DG
AGRI with a copy to the AFC. They are in a first step scrutinised by the
Director-Generals Assistant responsible for Directorates A-B-E-I-H
and the AFC in order to determine if the report has to be brought to
the attention of the Director-General. In the absence of the Assistant
responsible for Directorates A-B-E-I-H for three consecutive working
days the reports will be scrutinised by the second Assistant and the
AFC, and in the exceptional case of an absence of both Assistants by
the AFC alone. Should both Assistants and the AFC be absent, the
OLAF report shall be seen by the Director-General or his deputy to
ensure that immediate action is taken where necessary.
other case-related correspondence shall be addressed by OLAF
to the AFC directly who is responsible for the attribution of the piece
of correspondence to the AGRI directorates/units concerned.
5.2. Contacts with OLAF
OLAF requests information from DG AGRI, OLAF usually
does so by addressing its request to the AFC. The AFC will then refer
the request to the unit concerned. Occasionally, however, OLAF
addresses a unit in AGRI directly, sometimes without copying the AFC.
In all cases, the AGRI units concerned shall charge the AFC with the
answer to OLAF.
5.3. Dismissal of allegations by OLAF
Where OLAF dismisses a case because the allegations contain
elements suggesting fraud or any other irregularity (so-called
non-cases"), DG AGRI in principle shall take no further action.
DG AGRI has no competence to undertake any investigative activities.
DG AGRI - in the areas of
shared management - focuses on systems
audits and not on the audit of individual transactions. However, the
competent units in DG AGRI shall determine if a matter dismissed by
OLAF ought to be included in the
risk analysis, be brought to the
attention of the
competent authority/coordinating body/paying
agency or
whether the matter warrants the opening of an
enquiry by
the competent unit in AGRI.H.
In the area of
direct management, it shall equally be assessed if the
matter ought to be included in the risk analysis or brought to the
attention of the competent unit.
V. 3.1 Final
Where OLAF has dismissed a case suggesting that DG AGRI should
follow up the allegations, the AFC shall – where appropriate - report
to OLAF on the eventual action taken.
5.4. Handling of Final Reports from OLAF
Following reception of a Final Report of OLAF, the AFC shall refer the
report to the AGRI directorates/units concerned for information.
5.4.1. Final Report without recommendations
Where OLAF has closed a case for follow-up by DG AGRI, the
report will be disseminated by the AFC for information
purposes on a need-to-know basis.
However, the fact that OLAF has not made recommendations
for follow-up by DG AGRI does not preclude action by DG AGRI
in relation to the facts reported by OLAF. DG AGRI is in
particular not hindered to open an enquiry into the matter or –
in direct management – to take any other appropriate action.
5.4.2. Final Report with recommendations
Where OLAF has
closed a case concerning shared and
indirect management with recommendations, namely
recommending recoveries of fraudulently or otherwise
irregularly obtained or spent amounts of money, the AFC shall
transmit the report to the thematic unit in DG AGRI concerned
(e.g. geographical unit for rural development, market unit, etc.)
as well as to unit AGRI.H.1, unit AGRI.H.5 and the thematic
audit unit concerned. The directors will be in copy of the
In cases concerning
direct management the
report will be referred to the competent AOSD for follow-up13.
The units in reception of the report and the AFC will decide on
the further handling of the report.
There are 3 possible outcomes of this consultation:
1. The report shall be transmitted to the Member State14
concerned by the report in order to evaluate the
recommendation against the evidence provided by OLAF
and own evidence, and against EU legislation and national
13 The AOSD remains responsible to report to the EWS-officer of DG AGRI in all relevant cases.
14 Or the candidate country in case of IPARD.
V. 3.1 Final
law, and to proceed to recovery of the aid from the final
beneficiary as appropriate. This is by experience the most
frequent outcome.
2. Instead of transmitting the report to the Member State as
under 1, Directorate AGRI.H opens a conformity procedure
to follow up the case and may in this context also transmit
the OLAF report to the Member State concerned. This will
be a more exceptional outcome.
3. If the report and its recommendation(s) to DG AGRI are
inconclusive, DG AGRI declines to implement it. The report
is either not transmitted to the Member State at all or
transmitted for information only.
In the event that the consultation in house results in the
agreement to refer the OLAF report to the Member State for
follow-up, the AFC will draft the transmission note and have it
translated into the national language of the Member State
concerned. The note will be registered in ARES with all
consulted units/directorates in visa. The transmission note
will be signed by the Director-General.
In order to ensure that the OLAF recommendation will be
properly implemented by the authorities in the Member State
concerned, the OLAF Final Report will be transmitted in its
original form as received by OLAF and in a translation into the
relevant national language. If OLAF has had its Final Report
translated (e.g. because OLAF transmits the report to national
judicial authorities), that translation will be transmitted to the
Member State. Otherwise the AFC will launch a translation
request. Once the translation has been received, it is sent to
OLAF for endorsement before transmission.
The Member State will be given a deadline to report on the
implementation of the OLAF recommendation of maximum 6
months from the reception of the transmission note. Should
the Member State enact recovery from the final beneficiary, it
is requested to communicate the registration number in the
debtors’ ledger/Annex II table of Commission Implementing
Regulation (EU) 908/2014 and in the Irregularities
Management System (IMS). Should the Member State enact
recovery for a lesser amount than recommended by OLAF or
not enact recovery at all, it is requested to justify this decision
so that DG AGRI can take the matter up with OLAF as
The AFC is in charge of supervising the deadline and sending a
reminder to the Member State if necessary, with an additional
V. 3.1 Final
deadline of two months. In case of repeated inaction by the
Member State, the AFC will inform Directorate AGRI.H in order
to allow for an evaluation of a possible conformity procedure.
In the event that the consultation in house results in the
agreement to open a conformity procedure, the unit
responsible in Directorate H will launch the conformity
procedure according to the applicable rules and will transmit
the OLAF report to the Member State within this procedure.
In the event that the consultation in house results in the
agreement not to act upon the OLAF report, the AFC will draft
the corresponding note to the Director-General of OLAF and all
consulted units/directorates will be in visa in ARES. The note
will be signed by the Director-General. The AFC will also draft
a transmission note to the Member State in case the report is
to be sent there for information only. The procedure is the
same as above (but obviously without a deadline, etc.).
5.4.3. Debt management by Directorate H
The numbers under which a debt is recorded in the debtors’
ledger/Annex II to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU)
908/2014 are communicated by the AFS to Unit AGRI.H.5,
which will annually check recovery progress in the context of
the financial clearing if OLAF requests follow-up information
on the specific case.
5.4.4. OLAF final report suggests the existence of systemic problems
If facts reported in an OLAF Final Case Report – with or
without specific recommendations -, suggest the existence of
systemic problems in the Member State's CAP management
and control systems, the competent conformity unit in
Directorate AGRI.H shall, as appropriate,
take the information into account in its contribution to
the Directorate's central risk analysis, the risk
assessment and thereby in the multiannual audit
raise the matter with the national authorities in the
context of any enquiry which has been scheduled for the
paying agency and the aid scheme concerned, or, where
such an enquiry has not been scheduled,
submit the case to
Director AGRI.H for a decision
whether to open a specific enquiry (desk audit or
mission) or to take any other appropriate follow-up
V. 3.1 Final
For any of the alternatives above,
Directorate AGRI.H shall
inform the AFC of the action undertaken.
Where the case so requires, the operational directorates of DG
AGRI concerned will also be informed by
Directorate AGRI.H
so as to assess the necessity to amend the programme
concerned or the legislation applicable to the domain
5.5. Recommendations for conservative/preventive measures by OLAF
before issuing a final report
In exceptional cases, OLAF recommends taking preventive/
conservative measures like the suspension of payments to a
beneficiary before the investigation is closed and a final report and
recommendation(s) are issued.
Such recommendations by OLAF shall be assessed by the AFC,
Directorate AGRI.H and the thematich directorate in DG AGRI
concerned. Unless the OLAF recommendation is manifestly
unfounded – in which case DG AGRI will inform OLAF accordingly in
writing -, the recommendation shall be transmitted to the competent
body in the Member State concerned in order to enact the appropriate
In event the Member State does not enact the measure recommended
by OLAF or another appropriate follow-up and DG AGRI assess this as
a lack of due diligence, Directorate AGRI.H may decide to open a
conformity procedure into the matter.
Reporting to the Director-General and Directorate AGRI.R
The AFC shall report to the Director-General and to the
Director R on the implementation of the Anti-fraud Strategy
and on OLAF cases for any year n by 31 March n+1. The AFC
will equally contribute to AGRI management reports.
Reporting to OLAF
The AFC shall report to OLAF on the implementation of the
Office's recommendations to DG AGRI at OLAF’s requests.
V. 3.1 Final
As from 1 August 2013, a database for all OLAF cases is kept as a
collaborative workspace under Sharepoint15. It contains status descriptions
of all incoming denunciations and all OLAF cases including information on
the follow-up given to the OLAF recommendations.
Read-only access will be given to colleagues on a need-to-know basis and
editor's access will be given to colleagues having to report on
implementation of OLAF recommendations.
V. 3.1 Final
Annex I - Register of internal cases (model)
Name of staff
member concerned
AGRI unit
Date of reception of
the allegations
Sender of the
Contents of the
informed on
Director Resources
informed on
Head of Unit HR
informed on
Information sent to
Case reference
Investigation opened
or case dismissed
V. 3.1 Final
Requests for
additional information
from AGRI
Request satisfied –
how and when
Result of
Follow-up by AGRI
V. 3.1 Final
Document Management
Documents are filed in the Directorate R filing plan under headings,, and9.
Responsible for the Procedure
Peter Baader, AGRI.R, Gianluca Frinzi, AGRI.H.1
Documentation updated on:
End of document
V. 3.1 Final