Ref. Ares(2015)4974417 - 10/11/2015
Ref. Ares(2016)5721834 - 03/10/2016
10 November 2015 14:39
Requests for access to documents and access to information
Access to Documents 2015.pdf; AGRI INFO 2015.pdf
Dear colleagues,
Attached you will find two diagrams providing a visual summary of the general treatment of the access
to documents and access to information requests in DG AGRI.
It is important to note that sometimes you may receive a request that combines both request for
information and documents, in which case you need to refer the documents part to AGRI ACCESS
DOCUMENTS for registration and treatment, while for the information part you may reply directly in
compliance with the Code of Good Administrative Behaviour.
As there are very strict deadlines, it will be greatly appreciated that this is done immediately upon
receipt of such requests. Please also do not forget that all important correspondence should be
Here are also links to the general rules:
Access to documents
Access to information SG note on document management and access to documents with annex on practical registration criteria Could you please share them with your teams to remind and raise awareness. A general message will
also follow to all AGRI colleagues.
My colleagues and I are also available for short presentations on the practical arrangements in case you
consider these useful for the colleagues in your units. Please let me know if you are interested.
Best regards,
European Commission
DG Agriculture and Rural Development
Unit R.6
B-1049 Brussels/Belgium