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5.  Joint procurement for syringes and needles 
The Commission informed that: 
x  the evaluation of the joint procurement procedure for vaccination supplies was 
x  priority was given to evaluation of syringes and needles; 
x  depending on the quality of offers and reactivity of companies, the evaluation of 
offers for syringes and needles might be finalized by 
, followed by 
the contract signature 

Offers received show that the needs of participating countries should be covered. 
However, final coverage will depend on the results of the evaluation.  
Depending on the replies received, the evaluation could be finalised 
6.  COVAX 
The Commission indicated that a working group would be created on market exchange at 
 in COVAX. This working group could serve to move forward on in-kind 
donations and humanitarian buffer. 
The Commission also informed about the outcome of the EUCO held the day before and 
discussions on vaccine donation and COVAX.