Ref. Ares(2020)7898951 - 23/12/2020
Study on the use of Artificial Intelligence
techniques for the electronic access to
Commission documents (for EASE and new
RegDoc systems)
Proposals for projects from D1
This study should examine the different possibilities to start using Artificial
Intelligence Techniques in information systems such as EASE and RegDoc. EASE
being the new information system that should handle the requests for access to
European Commission documents. This new system will provide an electronic
workflow for this handling. It will improve corporate capabilities to identify similar
requests submitted in the past and streamline the communication with third parties.
In this area of identification and streamlining, the artificial intelligence techniques
could come in use.
The objective of the EASE (Electronic Access to European Commission
Documents) project is to ensure the Commission will be equipped with modern,
electronic and integrated IT tools allowing the submission and handling of the
requests for public access to documents. The solution will cover the public interface
for communicating with applicants, the internal workflows within the European
Commission, and the consultations of other EU Institutions, Member States and
third parties, from the first request of the applicant to the final decision of the
Commission. The ultimate goal is to bring the EU decision-making process closer to
its citizens. The main objective of the project is to provide an information system
that enables streamlining of the access to European Commission documents
processes across the different stakeholders. The future system will improve the
workflows linked to the submission, processing and preparation of replies to
requests for access to European Commission documents. It also aims to rationalise
internal workflows and enhance consistency between replies.
Regdoc is the Commission’s Register of Documents; it is a public application that
allows citizens to look for Commission documents. Together with the document, it
displays metadata of the document. In case the document is not publicly available, a
web-based form can be filled by the citizen. The current application will be
rewritten in the coming years but this new project is at its early beginning so no
specific documentation exists yet.
The introduction of AI techniques is meant to enhance the EASE project in the first
place, but we would like to implement these tools also for the new RegDoc project
as well as for the other registers.
An example of an AI technique is Doris, a text-mining tool, used in the information
system Better Regulation Portal.
has sent us a first document for review in the light of potential AI
applications (
Regulation 1049/2001 Excerpts from relevant case-law and other
interpretative tools). Key elements of our understanding are discussed in point 3.
2. Meeting inputs from D1:
1. A first list of potential AI (Text Mining) techniques that could be
applied (tentative):
a. Predictive model that will score each new EASE
application from a citizen in terms of its probability to be
accepted under conditions / refused/
/… or any other categories for prediction
that could be created if deemed relevant by the
business stakeholders. The predictive model would be
based on the analysis of past decisions (data on past
applications linked to the associated decision would be
b. Search engine tool that would allow to collect/retrieve all
documents related to a specific requested topic (chosen /
defined by the applicant) across the different registries.
Related to need 1 N1 from project charter.
c. Request assignment: a predictive model could be created
that will automatically define the relevant service for the
newly registered request. Machine learning model could
automate the assignment of new requests. Related to
Need description N21 from the Project charter
d. Automatic detection/identification of entities (locations,
persons, Administrations) within documents using POS
tagging. Related to Feature 10 F10 from the project
e. Topic modelling to define relevant categories of
applications, also relevant categories of commission
replies. F10
f. Creating a similarity metric analysis between cases and
add a visual interface to it in order to see common cases
as a connected graph.
2. D1 will engage in gathering information about relevant data
inputs (texts, application forms, Commission decisions),
verifying availability and quality of these data for the purpose of
developing AI models.
3. In concertation with all project stakeholders a relevant POC case
will be selected and on this basis a MOU will be written and
agreed by all parties.
3. Document first review “Regulation 1049/2001 Excerpts from relevant case-law
and other interpretative tools:”
We will need some clarifications upon this document, but to our current
understanding, we could summarize our comprehension as such:
We can see, in the left column, conclusions/ interpretations or outputs coming
from court/tribunal on different requests (cases). The left column gives us
details on the outcome and give a link to the case.
We could potentially use these cases as inputs for a model and use the Tribunal
decision /outcome as target variable for each case.
Of course, for each case, the target variable would have to be redefined or
relabelled to definite classes like (accepted/refused/ unclear). This could take
some time to manually label each outcome/decision from the court.
Moreover some specific cases are linked to more than one outcome/decision.
“T-189/14” for example. A certain amount of manual
“interpretation”work to define or label the categories of outcome has to be
Does a document exist containing a clearer link between case number and
outcome type exist ?
How can we reliably label the final decision/outcome of each request case?
4. Next steps:
1. Better understanding of available data/text documents (1 month of
interactions (meetings, emails) with SEC Gen. representatives)
2. Acquiring data on our Data Platform (2-3 weeks)
3. AI analysis (3 - 5 weeks).
4. Delivering results of the POC in a shiny application (2 weeks)