Ref. Ares(2021)1440823 - 23/02/2021
Mr. Nik Völker
Sent by email only
Ref: 03/2021
Subject: Access to documents request – Projects with DMT Group 2016-2020
Dear Mr. Nik Völker,
We refer to your email dated 12 January 2021, our acknowledgement of receipt dated 22 January 2021
and our email dated 2 February 2021 concerning the extension of the deadline.
In your application Ref. 03/2021, you request access to the following documents:
- List of projects initiated, supported or funded by the EIT with the participation of "DMT GmbH
& Co. KG" or "DMT Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH" in the period from 2016 to 2020, stating the
project title, project duration, and, if applicable, listing the corresponding funding agreements (Grant
Agreement or similar), project objectives ("Deliverables"), project consortium partners, and project
reports already prepared or agreed for delivery.
The EIT has carefully examined your request in line with Regulation (EC) 1049/2001 regarding public
access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents ('the Regulation'), as applicable to
the EIT pursuant to Article 13 of Regulation 294/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council
establishing the European Institute of Innovation and Technology, as amended by Regulation 1292/2013
of the European Parliament and of the Council (‘EIT Regulation’).
Following our examination, we kindly inform you that the list of KAVAs (KIC Added-value Activities)
including the duration of the projects is publicly available at
As regards the corresponding funding agreements, please note that the EIT signs a Specific Grant
Agreement (SGA) with EIT Raw Materials annually.1 Progress reports are also submitted by the KIC on an
annual basis.
1 The EIT provided access to the main texts of the Specific Grant Agreements with EIT Raw Materials and Annexes 3,4,5 for the
period 2017-2020 in response to your request 2/2021, and access to the 2016 Specific Grant Agreement and its Annexes 3, 4
and 5 is provided in response to your request 4/2021. Annexes 1 and 2 to the SGAs could not be shared because of their
commercially sensitive nature, as explained in our responses to those requests.
In your request, you also asked for the list to contain project objectives/deliverables.
As we indicated in our response to your request Ref. 4/2021, the EIT does not hold an existing document
containing a list of deliverables. Such a list could only be created with a substantial investment from the
relevant EIT database, which would go beyond the scope of Regulation No 1049/2001.
Please note that in line with Article 7(2) of the Regulation, you may, within 15 working days of receiving
this reply, make a confirmatory application asking the EIT to reconsider its position. Such a confirmatory
application should be addressed by post or electronically to the Head of Innovation Communities Unit at
the following address:
By post: Head of Innovation Communities Unit
European Institute of Innovation and Technologies
1/E Neumann Janos utca
1117 Budapest, Hungary
Yours sincerely,
David Tas
Acting Head of EIT Innovation Communities Unit
Electronically signed on 23/02/2021 21:59 (UTC+01) in accordance with article 11 of Commission Decision C(2020) 4482