Ref. Ares(2020)7234782 - 01/12/2020
Ref. Ares(2021)4428107 - 07/07/2021
A R E A : E N T E R P R I S E A N D
( / E N / A S S O N I M E / S E A R C H -
A R E A / PA G E S / E N T E R P R I S E -
C O M P dei f
E T I T oIndi
O N - A N D -
R E G U L AT I O N . Ne
A N A LY S I S ( / E N / A S S O N I M E / S E A R C H -
A R E A / PA G E S / E C O N O M I C -
EU.pdf )
R E A S E A R C H . A S PX )
Assonime Report: "The institutional set-up for
using the Next Generation-EU resources"
stampa/Documents/Quale assetto istituzionale per
l'impiego dei fondi Next Generation EU.pdf )
In this Report Assonime proposes an institutional set-up for the preparation of the
National Recovery and Resilience Plan and the efficient management of Next
Generation-EU resources. The resources made available by Europe must be used to
achieve that profound transformation of the Italian economy that can allow Italy to
resume a virtuous path of growth and reabsorb the enormous social and territorial
imbalances accumulated over decades of inertia, imbalances that are now aggravated
by the pandemic. This is an ambitious project, one that cannot succeed without broad
consensus in Parliament and throughout the country. Too often in the past attempts
at reform failed due to the inability to formulate coherent programmes and to
maintain the decided direction beyond the duration of political cycles.
The Report recalls the EU guidelines that set the objectives and requirements of the
National Recovery and Resilience Plans, underlining the close relationship that will
need to be established between the spending projects and the economic and
institutional reforms on the basis of which those projects must be realised. The
objective is not to fully indicate the content of the Plan and the path of these reforms
– "what we must do" - but rather how we must organise ourselves in order to be able
to do it and do it within the tight deadlines imposed by the European Union. We
discuss, therefore, the bodies and mechanisms that should be entrusted with the
decisions on the allocation of the resources, as well as how to ensure the
implementation of the Plan and its effective monitoring and impact on the economy
and society, in compliance with the commitments that through the National
Recovery and Resilience Plan we will make to the European institutions.
The basic choice that we have made in the elaboration of our proposals is to promote
a more effective functioning of our government structure and of the public
administrations, strengthening some decision-making centres, improving
coordination mechanisms, exploiting the ample resources that already exist, and
selectively adding new resources only where this appears necessary to improve the
administrations' capacity to act. We have therefore ruled out the creation of new
'parallel' structures dedicated to the implementation of the Plan.
Our governance proposal - briefly illustrated by the Figure on p. 18 - is divided into
three levels: political, coordination and operational. The policy level is primarily found
in the Council of Ministers, within which we propose to give formal powers for the
implementation of the NRRP to the Interministerial Committee on European
Affairs. The Government will have to find in Parliament and in the State-Regions-
Local Autonomies Conference, for matters within their competence, consensus on
the major choices of reform and allocation of resources.
An institutional figure with the necessary political role and technical support is
required for the preliminary work that will lead to the identification of the
components of the Plan and to ensuring the connection with the administrations
involved and the impetus for the decision-making and implementation process. One
could think of a new Minister for the Recovery Plan, supported by a strong technical
secretariat at the Prime Minister's Office (RRF Coordination Centre).
The Coordination Centre would be responsible for liaising with the operational
structures of the central, regional and local administrations, also with the support of
the Agency for Territorial Cohesion. In order to strengthen the coordination, we
propose to appoint a highly qualified RRF Manager within each administration with
a robust incentive to implement the Plan.
The Report distinguishes three types of interventions: large infrastructure projects
and tangible and intangible investment projects of national importance; investment
projects with regional and local significance (such as, for example, hydrogeological
interventions for the territory), to be coordinated within the framework of the
national programmes, setting qualitative requirements and criteria; interventions to
support private investments which, where possible, must operate on the basis of
automatic allocation mechanisms, eliminating any political-bureaucratic
intermediation. We also propose a schedule for the interventions - starting with the
maintenance of the infrastructure network and building stock – in order to maximise
the economic impact from the initial stages.
To respect the time frames required for the use of Next Generation-EU resources, it
is necessary to ensure the speed of the decision-making processes. To this end, the
Report proposes a series of simplification measures in the belief that the right way
should not be that of derogations, but that of improving ordinary procedures.
Resistance must be overcome, even within the bureaucratic apparatuses: we must be
well aware that if we do not unlock the decision-making mechanisms, the Italian
NRRP will fail and the hoped-for resources will not arrive.
Legislative intervention is essential both for the development of the governance
architecture that will manage the funds and for the simplification interventions. It is
necessary to clearly define the managerial tasks and responsibilities, reducing the risk
of conflicts between levels of government and between bureaucratic apparatuses and
reducing the uncertainties that would influence the effectiveness of the action.
Above all, we need a strong common will to act quickly and make good use of the
extraordinary resources that will come to us from Europe to revive Italy.
The Report was prepared by a working group coordinated by Assonime Director
General Stefano Micossi and composed of Franco Bassanini, Ginevra Bruzzone,
Marcello Clarich, Claudio De Vincenti, Bernardo Giorgio Mattarella, Andrea
Montanino, Marcella Panucci, Paola Parascandolo and Luisa Torchia. It has already
been sent to all the Italian institutional bodies - Presidency of the Republic,
Government, Parliament, State-Regions-Autonomy Conference - and was presented
to the public today at a press conference.
The document is available only in Italian.
( / E N / )
L E G A L N O T E S ( / E N / PA G E S / L E G A L - N O T E S . A S PX )
S I T E I N F O ( / E N / PA G E S / S I T E -
I N F O . A S PX )
C R E D I T S ( / E N / PA G E S / C R E D I T S . A S PX )
( / E N / PA G E S / R E P O R T- A - P R O B L E M . A S PX )
P R I VAC Y P O L I C Y ( / E N / PA G E S / P R I VA C Y-
P O L I C Y. A S PX )