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Ref. Ares(2021)4428107 - 07/07/2021

Gigabit connectivity between households in urban and rural areas and along major 
transport corridors, in line with the EU’s  objective for 5G and Gigabit connectivity in 
The crisis has highlighted the urgent need to address long-standing challenges that affect 
the fairness in our society, in particular to support those citizens that have been hit 
hardest by the crisis. This includes the resilience of the national health and social 
protection systems as well as equal access to affordable and quality health care, 
demographic change, globalisation or the digital and green transition.  
In light of the European Pillar of Social Rights, Member States should take measures to 
ensure equal opportunities, inclusive education, fair working conditions and adequate 
social protection in view of promoting economic, social and territorial cohesion 
throughout Europe. 
These challenges concern us all and we will only be able to overcome them by involving 
all institutions and all European citizens in this endeavour. 
Yours faithfully, 
@ec.europa.eu, SG RECOVER 

Electronically signed on 07/07/2021 14:39 (UTC+02) in accordance with article 11 of Commission Decision C(2020) 4482