Accidentes marinos en la UE

La réponse à cette demande est très en retard Agence européenne pour la sécurité maritime aurait déjà dû répondre à la demande (détails). Vous pouvez vous plaindre en Solliciter une révision interne .

Dear European Maritime Safety Agency,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

Acceso a la base de datos sobre accidentes marítimos que elaboró cada país miembro de la Unión Europea durante los años 2015, 2016, 2017 y 2018 que fueron remitidos a la Agencia Europea de Seguridad Marítima.

Un saludo,

TASSONI Andrea (EMSA), Agence européenne pour la sécurité maritime

Dear Sir/Madam,

With regard to your application for access to documents - namely " Acceso
a la base de datos sobre accidentes marítimos que elaboró cada país
miembro de la Unión Europea durante los años 2015, 2016, 2017 y 2018 que
fueron remitidos a la Agencia Europea de Seguridad Marítima”, received by
the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) on the 16th January 2019,
please find the following:

The Agency processed your application in line with the provisions of
Regulation (EC) No.1049/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council
regarding public access to documents. As a result, please be informed as

From 2015 till the end of 2018, the Agency was publishing casualty data
and investigation reports produced by the accident investigation bodies of
the Member States as per Directive 2009/18/EC on the dedicated European
Marine Casualty Information Platform (EMCIP). Due to the replacement of
the EMCIP database by a new application at the end of 2018, it was no
longer possible to continue publishing such data on the EMCIP Portal. A
new public page aiming at providing the same information is under
development and expected to be available in the coming months. Once
available, it will be advertised on EMSA website.

If awaiting the launch of the new portal is not a solution for you, you
are invited to contact EMSA via [1][EMSA request email].

Note that, in line with Article 7(2) of Regulation (EC) No.1049/2001 of
the European Parliament and of the Council regarding public access to 
documents, you may file a confirmatory application within 15 working days 
of receiving this email.

I hope this is helpful and thank you in advance for your understanding. I
remain at your disposal for further clarifications.

Kind regards,

Andrea Tassoni
Document Request Coordinator at EMSA


From: lorena rojas paz [[2]mailto:[FOI #6288 email]]
Sent: 16 January 2019 23:00
To: Information
Subject: access to documents request - Accidentes marinos en la UE


Dear European Maritime Safety Agency,


Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in
Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the
following information:


Acceso a la base de datos sobre accidentes marítimos que elaboró cada país
miembro de la Unión Europea durante los años 2015, 2016, 2017 y 2018 que
fueron remitidos a la Agencia Europea de Seguridad Marítima.


Un saludo,




This is a request for access to information under Article 15 of the TFEU
and, where applicable, Regulation 1049/2001 which has been sent via the website.


Please kindly use this email address for all replies to this request:
[3][FOI #6288 email]


If [4][EMSA request email] is the wrong address for information
requests to European Maritime Safety Agency, please tell the
team on email [5][email address]


This message and all replies from European Maritime Safety Agency will be
published on the website. For more information see our
dedicated page for EU public officials at



Visible links
1. mailto:[EMSA request email]
2. mailto:[FOI #6288 email]
3. mailto:[FOI #6288 email]
4. mailto:[EMSA request email]
5. mailto:[ contact email]

Dear TASSONI Andrea (EMSA),

After receiving your reply, I sent you an email requesting the information I solicited.
I know you are going to have a new portal, but I would like to know if there is the possibility to send me before the info about maritime accidents.

Yours sincerely,

lorena rojas paz

TASSONI Andrea (EMSA), Agence européenne pour la sécurité maritime

I am away on a businees trip, I'll be back on 22/02/2019 Morning. Thanks!
for any urgent matter, please contact 00351 21 120 9201

lorena rojas paz

Dear European Maritime Safety Agency,

I understand that you have a new portal, and it will take more time, but I need the information about the data base of the maritime accidents that made every country of the UE in the last three years and were reported to the Maritime Safety Agency.

Yours faithfully,

lorena rojas paz
Juan Bravo 63, 3B

RUSSEVA Radina (EMSA), Agence européenne pour la sécurité maritime

2 Attachments

Dear Mrs Rojas Paz,


We take note of your last request of 11^th of March. However we would like
to remind you that our (attached) email of 28^th of February - replying to
your previous request of 20^th of February - has been left unanswered.


According to it, you have been invited to clarify your request to get the
most appropriate answer by the Agency. You were also requested to fill in
a form attached to our email on ‘sharing casualty data’ as per data
sharing scheme agreed between accident investigation bodies of the EU
Member States.


If you are interested in having access to data on marine casualties, we
are therefore reiterating our invitation to send us back the required
clarification and the attached form dully filled in, dated and signed.


I remain at your disposal for further clarifications.


Kind regards,


Radina Russeva,

Executive Office


on behalf of

Andrea Tassoni
Document Request Coordinator at EMSA


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