Council opinion on FRA budgetary Discharge 2010, 2011 and 2012

La demande est partiellement réussie.

Dear Council of the EU,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

- Council written opinion on FRA budgetary Discharge 2010, 2011 and 2012 provided to European Parliament.


OLAF published in its letter available here
these 4 cases:
A) Case OF/ 2007/ 0488 on FRA Recruitment.
B) Case OF/ 2010/ 0711 on FRA Procurement.
C) Case OF/ 2011/ 0573 on FRA Mismanagement.
D) Case OF/ 2013/ 0328 on FRA Forgery of document.

This 5th case was opened following European Parliament letter of 27.04.2012 available here

European Parliament has been informed in 2nd July 2013 that following its letter dated 27 April 2012, OLAF closed the related case with no recommendation. Details could be found in this Letter by Mr Michael Theurer (President of EP Budgetary Control Committee)

1. Based on Regulation 1049/2001 and related jurisprudence, I request access to the following information: if the 3 representatives of European Commission mentioned by Mr Michael Theurer in its public reply of 30.07.2013, visible in this link (Ms Reding, Ms Saastamoinen and Mr Nemitz) were aware about this cases. If yes, I request access to all documents related to the cases, in a format which you consider appropriate. If not, I request access to all and any documents released following the awareness presented in asktheeu website.

2. I also request access to any documents which could explain the phenomenon that FRA is the only Agency of European Union which has no critical remarks in Reports of Court of Auditors. I ask access to these
information because I did a research in COA website and noticed that FRA is indeed the only EU Agency which has no critical remark in COA Audit Reports. Despite this difficult to understand situation, in asktheeu website, European Parliament Website, Ombudsman website, Curia website, I noticed that FRA has some sensitive and not yet clarified problems with tender procedures, alleged conflict of interest inside Governing Board, employment cases, harassment cases, etc.

I would very much appreciate having access to any relevant documents, even in partial form with names covered, in order to be able to understand how FRA managed not having any critical remark in COA Reports, how FRA managed to demonstrate to OLAF that the 4 + 1 cases opened on different subjects (mismanagement, recruitment, procurement, forgery – see above ) were opened in an unfounded manner against FRA. There is something which do not match the puzzle and this is why I am trying to understand what is behind. Please read all the above as one effort where we try to unshed some issues with public relevance. It is not repetitiveness, pointless as was qualified by FRA and happened here

Conclusion - What is the Council opinion on all the above and particularly the mentioning of Council position vis-à-vis FRA performance not to have critical remarks in its COA Reports. In letter by Mr Theurer is written that Council welcomed COA reports which shows a smooth activity at FRA (approximately quote)

Yours faithfully,

Mike Stabenow

Postmaster Consilium, Conseil de l'Union européenne

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SECRETARIAT DGF Access, Conseil de l'Union européenne

1 Attachment

Please find attached a letter from the General Secretariat of the Council
concerning your request for access under Regulation 1049/2001.
Yours sincerely,
General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union
Transparency Service - Access to documents

SECRETARIAT DGF Access, Conseil de l'Union européenne

3 Attachments


Please find attached a letter from the General Secretariat of the Council
concerning your request for access under Regulation 1049/2001.


Yours sincerely,


General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union

Transparency Service - Access to documents