European aid to Morocco
Dear Archives historiques,
Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:
- la politique européenne de voisinage avec le Maroc;
- les aides financières apportées au Maroc;
- les aides européennes apportées au Maroc pour la résorption des
- la coopération européenne avec le Maghreb.
Je vous prie de croire, Monsieur/Madame, à l'assurance de mes salutations distinguées,
Benoît Theunissen
Texte FRANÇAIS suit DEUTSCHER Text folgt
We thank your for your e-mail and confirm having received your request. According to the code of good administrative behaviour you will receive a reply within the next 15 working days.
Yours sincerely,
Historical Archives Service of the European Commission
Nous vous remercions de votre courriel et nous accusons, par la présente, réception de votre demande. Conformément au Code de bonne conduite administrative, vous recevrez une réponse au cours de 15 jours ouvrables.
Nous vous prions de recevoir, Madame, Monsieur, nos meilleures salutations.
Service des Archives Historiques de la Commission européenne
Wir danken Ihnen für Ihre E-Mail und bestätigen Ihre Anfrage erhalten haben. Gemäß dem Kodex für gute Verwaltungspraxis erhalten Sie eine Antwort innerhalb der nächsten 15 Werktage.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Historische Archive der Europäischen Kommission
M. Theunissen,
Thank you for your mail of 21.02.2013 about a research on European aid to
Morocco and especially "Politique européenne de voisinage avec le Maroc,
Aides financières apportées au Maroc et aides européennes pour la
résorption des bidonvilles, coopération européenne avec le Maghreb".
In accordance with the Council Regulation (EEC, Euratom) N° [1]354/83
(modified by the Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) N° [2]1700/2003)
concerning the opening to the public of the historical archives, the
Historical Archives Service ensures the availability to the public of
files and documents of the European Commission which are of historical,
judicial or informative value according to the 30 year rule. During the
current year we are opening the files closed in 1982.
Following those regulations, the Historical Archives Service (like the
National Archives in the Member States) offers the opportunity to consult
the documents and files in an appropriate research room. Please refer to
[4] for address and
opening hours of the reading room.
To have a first idea of the kind of files available in our service, I
would suggest to search in our online database ArchisPlus
Search terms : Maroc/Morocco, Maghreb.
Also available in the reading room are the organisation charts of the
Commission, the minutes of the weekly Commission meetings (1958 - 1982)
and a collection of speeches ranged by speaker.
Should you wish to examine the files, please let us know a couple of
working days before your visit, in order to ensure their availability in
the reading room.
Requests for access to documents less than 30 years old are dealt with by
the Commission Secretariat-General (contact:
[6]mailto:[email address] or via the online request form:
Further information on access to documents is available at:
I hope this information will be helpful for your research.
Best regards,
European Commission
Historical Archives of the Commission
B-1049 Brussels/Belgium
[9][email address]
Visible links
6. mailto:[email address]
9. mailto:[email address]