European Schools: European Ombudsman Decision of maladministration in Case: 0814/2010/JF

La demande est partiellement réussie.

Dear Secretariat General (SG),

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

All and any documents setting out the steps taken by the European Commission in response to the European Ombudsman Decision of maladministration in Case: 0814/2010/JF

Yours faithfully,


Secrétariat général de la Commission européenne

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your e-mail dated 11/04/2013.

We hereby acknowledge receipt of your application for access to documents, which was registered on 11/04/2013 under reference number GestDem 2013/1953.

In accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents, your application will be handled within 15 working days.

The time limit will expire on 03/05/2013. In case this time limit needs to be extended, you will be informed in due course.

Yours faithfully,

Carlos Remis
Berl. 05/329.

Afficher les sections citées

Secrétariat général de la Commission européenne

6 Attachments

From: DENGLER Brigitte (HR)
Sent: Friday, May 03, 2013 5:49 PM
To: '[FOI #450 email]'
Usoa (HR)
Subject: REPLY] access to information request - European Ombudsman
Decision Case, 0814/2010/JF --- Ref.Gestdem 2013/1953
Dear Madam/ Sir,
Please find enclosed the answer to your request of 11 April 2013 for
access to documents registered under the above-mentioned reference number.
Best regards,
Brigitte Dengler
DG Human Resources and security
European Schools
European Commission
Tel: 0032 2/29 84417

Secrétariat général de la Commission européenne

8 Attachments

Dear Madam/Sir,
On Friday 3 May 2013, the below email was sent to you by my colleague
Brigitte Dengler, which came back undelivered.
This is therefore a second tentative, hoping it will go through this time.
Best regards,
Christophe Dupont
From: DENGLER Brigitte (HR)
Sent: Friday, May 03, 2013 5:49 PM
To: '[FOI #450 email]'
Usoa (HR)
Subject: REPLY] access to information request - European Ombudsman
Decision Case, 0814/2010/JF --- Ref.Gestdem 2013/1953
Dear Madam/ Sir,
Please find enclosed the answer to your request of 11 April 2013 for
access to documents registered under the above-mentioned reference number.
Best regards,
Brigitte Dengler
DG Human Resources and security
European Schools
European Commission
Tel: 0032 2/29 84417

Secrétariat général de la Commission européenne

2 Attachments

From: DENGLER Brigitte (HR)
Sent: Friday, May 03, 2013 5:49 PM
To: '[FOI #450 email]'
Usoa (HR)
Subject: REPLY] access to information request - European Ombudsman
Decision Case, 0814/2010/JF --- Ref.Gestdem 2013/1953
Dear Madam/ Sir,
Please find enclosed the answer to your request of 11 April 2013 for
access to documents registered under the above-mentioned reference number.
Best regards,
Brigitte Dengler
DG Human Resources and security
European Schools
European Commission
Tel: 0032 2/29 84417

Andreas Pavlou,

8 Attachments

[ error. Message with attachments originally sent 03 May 2013]

Dear Mr. Pavlou,
Please find attached the answer to the request for access to documents
registered under the above-mentioned reference number, originally
addressed to '[1][FOI #450 email]'.
Many thanks in advance for forwarding the attached reply to the
Yours sincerely,
Christophe DUPONT
Secretary to the Head of Unit
European Commission
DG Human Resources and Security
Unit C/2 European Schools

MO34 01/17
B-1049 Brussels/Belgium
+32 2 295 95 15
From: HR MAIL C2
Sent: Monday, May 06, 2013 10:06 AM
To: '[2][FOI #450 email]'
Subject: Ares(2013)1006975: [REPLY] access to information request -
European Ombudsman Decision Case, 0814/2010/JF --- Ref.Gestdem 2013/1953
Dear Madam/Sir,
On Friday 3 May 2013, the below email was sent to you by my colleague
Brigitte Dengler, which came back undelivered.
This is therefore a second tentative, hoping it will go through this time.
Best regards,
Christophe Dupont
From: DENGLER Brigitte (HR)
Sent: Friday, May 03, 2013 5:49 PM
To: '[3][FOI #450 email]'
Usoa (HR)
Subject: REPLY] access to information request - European Ombudsman
Decision Case, 0814/2010/JF --- Ref.Gestdem 2013/1953
Dear Madam/ Sir,
Please find enclosed the answer to your request of 11 April 2013 for
access to documents registered under the above-mentioned reference number.
Best regards,
Brigitte Dengler
DG Human Resources and security
European Schools
European Commission
Tel: 0032 2/29 84417


Visible links
1. mailto:[FOI #450 email]
2. mailto:[FOI #450 email]
3. mailto:[FOI #450 email]

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