European Schools Treaty and informal legal working Group
Dear European Court of Justice,
Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:
The Board of Governors of the European Schools EURSC mandated a legal working group to examine the legal protections afford by the current European Schools Treaty and its Complaints Board.
The members of this Working Group are the ECJ, the European Commission and the European Schools.
Please provide copies of all documents related to this working group. Include but not limited to
1. documents creating and mandating the working group
2. documents prepared for this working group
3. contemporaneous notes of meetings, calls and other interactions between members of the working group
4. minutes of meetings of the working group
5. reports and draft reports and other outcomes, position papers, deliverables issuing from this working group
Yours faithfully,
With reference to your e-mail of 17 March requesting access to
information, please re-send your request using the form “Application for
access to documents” available on the Court’s website – see link below.
The Registry of the European Court of Justice
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