Grant approved to city of Vilnius

La demande est réussie.

Dear Budget (BUDG),

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

I would like to know how much money was granted to Vilnius (city), when city was nominated as European Culture of city in back 2009.

Yours faithfully,

Mr M. Soha

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Dear Mr Soha,
Thank you for your emails of 22 November in which you asked how much money
was granted to the city of Vilnius further to its designation as European
Culture of city in 2009. Sorry for the delay in replying your letter, due
to the inquiries we had to undertake.
We are happy to inform you that the City received € 1 324 342 to support
cultural projects in the framework of the European Capitals of Culture
For recollection, this support was directly linked to the award of the
Title, which does not exclude the possibility Vilnius received EU funds to
support projects or infrastructure that contributed in a way or another in
the title Year implementation.
I hope that these elements will address your query.
European Commission
Unit E.2 Creative Europe programme - culture

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Dear Mr Soha,
Thank you for your emails of 22 November in which you asked how much money
was granted to the city of Vilnius further to its designation as European
Culture of city in 2009. Sorry for the delay in replying your letter, due
to the inquiries we had to undertake.
We are happy to inform you that the City received € 1 324 342 to support
cultural projects in the framework of the European Capitals of Culture
For recollection, this support was directly linked to the award of the
Title, which does not exclude the possibility Vilnius received EU funds to
support projects or infrastructure that contributed in a way or another in
the title Year implementation.
I hope that these elements will address your query.
European Commission
Unit E.2 Creative Europe programme - culture

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