From: Belen Balanya, Corporate Europe Observatory
Rue d’Edimbourg 26, 1050 Brussels.
6 May 2021 RE: Access to Documents related to Hydrogen Europe

Dear DG energy, DG Clima, Dg Grow, Secretariat General, DG Move, DG Competition

Referring to Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 on public access to EU documents, I would herewith like to ask for access to the following:

1- all correspondence (including email) between 1st December 2020 and 6th May 2021 between Commissioner Simson, Commissioner Timmermans, Commissioner Breton, President van der Leyen, Commissioner Vălean, Commissioner Vestager, and/or their cabinets and/or officials from DG Energy, DG Clima, DG Grow, DG Move, DG Competition and Secretariat General and representatives of Hydrogen Europe on the other.

2 - list of meetings/videocalls/calls between 1st December 2020 and 6th May 2021 between officials and representatives of the European Commission and representatives of Hydrogen Europe.

3 - minutes of the meetings/videocalls/calls mentioned above

I would like to make clear I prefer you produce the documents on a rolling basis.
At no point should the Commission’s search for—or deliberations concerning—certain documents delay the production of others that the Commission has already retrieved and elected to produce.

To the extent possible, we prefer the documents in electronic format. Documents that cannot be sent in electronic format should be sent to Corporate Europe Observatory, Rue d’Edimbourg 26, 1050 Brussels.

Should my request be denied wholly or partially, please explain the denial or all deletions referring to specific exemptions in the regulation. Also I expect the partial release of documents, in case of partial exemption according to article 4.6.

I reserve the right to appeal.

Please confirm having received this application. I look forward to your reply within 15 business days, according to the regulation.

Thank you for your assistance.

Belen Balanya
Corporate Europe Observatory, Mobilité et transports

Dear Sir or Madam,

Your request for access to documents concerning Commissioner Valean, DG MOVE has been registered with reference GESTDEM 2021/3959 (DG MOVE).

This message is an acknowledgement of receipt.

In accordance with Regulation 1049/2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents, you will receive a reply within 15 working days (29/04/2021).

We apologise for the delay in registration. We assure you that we will do our best to send you a reply as soon as possible.

Document request: 1- all correspondence (including email) between 1st December 2020 and 6th May 2021 between Commissioner Simson, Commissioner Timmermans, Commissioner Breton, President van der Leyen, Commissioner Vălean, Commissioner Vestager, and/or their cabinets and/or officials from DG Energy, DG Clima, DG Grow, DG Move, DG Competition and Secretariat General and representatives of Hydrogen Europe on the other. 2 - list of meetings/videocalls/calls between 1st December 2020 and 6th May 2021 between officials and representatives of the European Commission and representatives of Hydrogen Europe. 3 - minutes of the meetings/videocalls/calls mentioned above

Commission reference: GESTDEM 2021/3959.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.
Yours faithfully,


European Commission
Directorate General for Mobility and Transport
Unit MOVE A-4
Legal Issues & Enforcement

▪ Postal address: Europese Commissie/Commission européenne, B-1049 Brussel/Bruxelles
▪ Office address: Rue de Mot 28, B-1040 Brussels
▪ Tel. +32 2 299 11 11
E-mail: [DG MOVE request email]

Afficher les sections citées

MOVE B4 SECRETARIAT, Mobilité et transports

7 Attachments

Dear Ms Balanya,
Please find enclosed the documents as per your request.
Kind regards,


Thanks for the information

Yours sincerely,

Belen Balanya