Implementation of Project Regarding Civil Status Databases in the Ivory Coast

En attente d'une révision interne par International Cooperation and Development a propos de leur gestion de la demande.

Dear International Partnerships,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

Regarding project T05-EUTF-SAH-CI-01 I request any documents which contain:

In-depth Guidelines/minutes of meetings on how to carry out the activities
Any agreement signed between the EU and the project managing partner Civipol
Monitoring reports on performed activities
Minutes of the meetings of the Operational Committee, as the body responsible for reviewing and approving the actions financed by the EUTF, and evaluating reports of the impact of this project on migrants' and refugees' privacy.
Financial reports detailing the expenditure items of the budget so far invested in the project

Yours faithfully,

Kelly Bescherer, International Cooperation and Development

Dear Mrs Bescherer,

Many thanks for your message.

Before our service can encode your AtD request, can you communicate your postal address?
The deadline for a reply can only start running when our service is in the possession of that information.

Many thanks and best regards!
DG INTPA Access to Documents team

Afficher les sections citées

Dear [email address],

I have just sent my postal address via email to the email address listed above.

Yours sincerely,

Kelly Bescherer

Dear [email address],

I am writing to remind you that the deadline for replying to my request has now passed. I would greatly appreciate a response as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely,

Kelly Bescherer

Kelly Bescherer

Dear International Partnerships,

Please pass this on to the person who reviews confirmatory applications.

I am filing the following confirmatory application with regards to my access to documents request 'Implementation of Project Regarding Civil Status Databases in the Ivory Coast'.

A reply to my request is now significantly overdue and I have to date not received a notification that the request is even being processed. I provided my address as requested via email promptly after requested and have since received no further updates. A response is now nearly a month overdue.

A full history of my request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

Kelly Bescherer, International Cooperation and Development

Dear Ms Bescherer, many thanks for your message.

In case you refer to case 2023/0839 our service has sent a clarification note to which it appears you have not yet replied.

With reference to case 2023/860 our service has 9 working days left to transmit a reply.

Best regards,
INTPA AtD team

Afficher les sections citées

Kelly Bescherer

Dear [email address],

as noted, I already sent you my postal address via email on February 6th directly after you requested it . I am forwarding you the email again now. In case the email address above is not the correct place to contact you, please advise on which email address the information could be sent to.

Yours sincerely,

Kelly Bescherer

Kelly Bescherer

Dear [email address],

After reaching out to you via email to provide my address again you informed me that you were in possession of my address already but that a clarification request had been sent on 22 February to which my response was outstanding. I never received this clarification request, however, and request that you kindly resend it as I am unable to respond to it without knowing the contents of the message.

Yours sincerely,

Kelly Bescherer

Kelly Bescherer

Dear International Partnerships,

Please pass this on to the person who reviews confirmatory applications.

I am filing the following confirmatory application with regards to my access to documents request 'Implementation of Project Regarding Civil Status Databases in the Ivory Coast'.

My request seems to be indefinitely suspended. International Partnerships say they asked me a clarifying question on 22 February to which I must respond before my request can be processed, however, as you will see from reviewing the history of correspondence, no such clarifying message was ever sent. I have repeatedly requested that the clarifying question be sent again so that I can respond to it but did not receive further clarification. An answer to my request is now significantly overdue.

A full history of my request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

Kelly Bescherer

Kelly Bescherer

Dear [email address],

Thank you for providing clarification. I confirm that my request refers to the project "Appui à la mise en œuvre de la Stratégie nationale de l’état civil et de l’identification de Côte d’Ivoire" -- if I have understood well, thus would be the project T05-EUTF-SAH-CI-02.

Yours sincerely,

Kelly Bescherer, International Cooperation and Development

8 Attachments


Dear Ms Bescherer,


Following your further request, please find attached a copy of the initial
reply of your request of access to documents with register number EASE


According to our registering system, the initial reply was originally sent
on June 20 and not opened in the following 15 days after notification.
Since the initial reply was not open within 15 working days after
notification, it was deemed received on the 16th working day as of the
date of notification (see in attachment).


We would like to ask you to confirm the reception of the documents by
answering to this email.


Kind regards,



Secretariat INTPA A3

Kelly Bescherer

Dear International Partnerships,

Please pass this on to the person who reviews confirmatory applications.

I am filing the following confirmatory application with regards to my access to documents request 'Implementation of Project Regarding Civil Status Databases in the Ivory Coast'.

The public interest in disclosure outweighs the arguments brought up in your rejection. Civil registration is a question with considerable public interest, especially for individuals in the Ivory Coast. Population registration is at the center of the ways in which states function and has, for instance, implications for governance, inclusion, and access to crucial public services such as education. Since even crucial state functions such as voting ultimately hinge on the ways in which population registration works, having overview of processes to reform civil status registration is of absolutely crucial public interest. Understanding at least the general strategy for improving civil registration is certainly of public interest.

A partial disclosure has also not been adequately considered. The rejection cites privacy concerns, however the names of specific individuals could easily be removed from the documents.

A full history of my request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

Kelly Bescherer

Dear [email address],

By law, the deadline for replying to my confirmatory application is long overdue. I request a response as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely,

Kelly Bescherer

Dear International Partnerships,

I would like to remind you that a response to my confirmatory application remains very long overdue and request an update. Given persistent problems in the transmission of messages from International Partnerships to my requests, I also wanted to check whether a response may have been sent in the meantime that I did not receive.

Yours sincerely,

Kelly Bescherer