interactions of the delegation of the European Union to the UN and other international organisations in Geneva

La demande est réussie.

Dear European External Action Service,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting all correspondence since January 2016, including emails, agendas, records of meetings, minutes of meetings, participants lists and any other reports of such meetings involving the delegation of the European Union to the UN and other international organisations in Geneva.

Yours faithfully,
Myriam Douo
Friends of the Earth Europe
Mundo B Building
Rue D'Edimbourg 26
1050 Brussels,

EEAS ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS, Service européen pour l’action extérieure

Dear Ms Douo,


We refer to your request for access to documents registered under
reference number 2018/080.


After careful examination of your request, we realise that your request is
not sufficiently precise in order for us to determine which documents
could potentially fall within the scope of your request. Pursuant to
Article 6(2) of Regulation 1049/2001 regarding public access to European
Parliament, Council and Commission documents (which the EEAS is also
respecting – hereinafter referred to as "the Regulation"), we ask you to
clarify your application.


Could you please narrow down your request, be more precise and if possible
target specific documents.


Please note that when we have your clarification, we will make every
effort to process your request as quickly as possible, however the
time-limit necessary to process your request will depend on the number of
documents identified and therefore to be examined. Under these
circumstances, we hope that you will be able to accept that your request
will be processed as quickly as possible.


We look forward to hearing from you with regard to the above with the view
to being able to further process your request.


Yours sincerely,


EEAS Access to Documents (AD)

[1][EEAS request email]

SG.AFFGEN.2 – Parliamentary Affairs



Requested documents: Interactions of the delegation of the European Union
to the UN and other international organisations in Geneva


all correspondence since January 2016, including emails, agendas, records
of meetings, minutes of meetings, participants lists and any other reports
of such meetings involving the delegation of the European Union to the UN
and other international organisations in Geneva.








Visible links
1. mailto:[EEAS request email]


I'm afraid I am not able to narrow down my request at this point. I believe that the time frame is narrow enough for you to find the relevant documents. Moreover, as I do not know what kind of documents you hold, I am unable to give you a list of what I want.

Yours sincerely,

Myriam Douo

EEAS ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS, Service européen pour l’action extérieure

Dear Ms Douo,

Thank you for your email. Could you please clarify on what topic you want us to search the documents in the database.
Yours sincerely,

[EEAS request email]
SG.AFFGEN.2 – Parliamentary Affairs

Afficher les sections citées


I am looking for anything having to do with corporate accountability including, but not limited to the UNGPs and the UN Treaty on business and human rights.

Yours sincerely,

Myriam Douo

EEAS ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS, Service européen pour l’action extérieure

5 Attachments


Dear Ms Douo,


Please find enclosed the reply to your request for Access to Documents
with reference 2018/80-81.


Yours sincerely,



[1]EEAS-[EEAS request email]

SG.AFFGEN.2 – Parliamentary Affairs




Visible links
1. mailto:EEAS-[EEAS request email]