Measures to comply the with the water directive in Spain

La réponse à cette demande est très en retard Environnement aurait déjà dû répondre à la demande (détails). Vous pouvez vous plaindre en Solliciter une révision interne .

Dear Environment,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:
-documents, in which the Commission was informed about, analysed or discussed, and all the correspondence (including emails and letters of formal notice),about the implementation of the water directive (91/271/EEC) and Spanish's implementation of same, and the associate case at the European Court of Justice (issue C-343/10 with judgment in April the 11th of 2011) from April 2011 until the present.

Yours faithfully,

ramon muniz


Dear Mr Muniz,

Your request is an access to documents request and will be handled accordingly.
We kindly ask you to provide a full postal address (and e-mail) so we can duly register and handle your request.

Thank you in advance.



European Commission
Directorate-General for Environment
Unit D.4 – Governance, Information & Reporting
BU-9 02/15
B-1049 Brussels/Belgium

Afficher les sections citées

Dear Environment,

My full postal address is:
C/ Ventura Rodriguez 8, bajo. CP 33004 España

But I prefer to have the answers by this way or email

Yours faithfully,

Ramon Muniz