Meetings between MEPs and stakeholders in relation to the the 2014 Audit Directive and Regualtion

La demande est partiellement réussie.

Dear European Parliament,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, we are requesting the following documents in the context of the EU’s regulation of the audit industry resulting in Directive 2014/56/EU and Regulation No 537/2014:

We seek access to documents containing information that includes list of all meetings related to the audit regulation process of parliamentary members from JURI and ECON with interest representatives (including companies, consultancy and law firms, trade/business/professional associations, think tanks, NGOs, academics) between October 13th 2010 and April 16th 2014.

We would like the list to include the following information:

- The date of the meeting

- Attending stakeholders

- The sector they represented

- Name and job title of the European delegates/officials present at the meeting

- Minutes of meetings

Yours faithfully,

Ole Willers and Frederik Lisberg

AccesDocs, Parlement européen

Our ref.: A(2017)2198    


Dear Mr Lisberg and Mr Willers,


European Parliament acknowledges receipt of your request. You will receive
a reply within 15 working days.


Best regards,




European Parliament

Directorate-General for the Presidency



AccesDocs, Parlement européen

1 Attachment

Our ref.: A(2017)2198


Dear Mr Willers, dear Mr Lisberg,


Directive 2014/56/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16
April 2014 amending Directive 2006/43/EC on statutory audits of annual
accounts and consolidated accounts was treated in Parliament as procedure
no 2011/0389(COD). You find references to documents related to that
procedure in the resp. procedure file on Parliament's website:


The Commission's proposal, as shows the procedure file, was attributed to
Parliament's Committee for Legal Affairs (JURI) as responsible Committee
and the Committees for Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON), Industry,
Research and Energy (ITRE) and Internal Market and Consumer Protection
(IMCO) for opinion on 13 December 2011. ECON Committee tabled its opinion
on 13 March 2013 after discussions on 15 October and 19 November 2012 (see
procedure sheet on the last page of the opinion's text:
JURI Committee tabled its report for the Plenary Session on 14 May 2013
after discussions on 1 and 26 March 2012, 9 July 2012, 17 September 2012,
26 November 2012, 21 January 2013, 24 April 2013 and 20 January 2014. You
will find the agendas and documents tabled for these meetings for the ECON
Committee on Parliament's website:
and for the JURI Committee:
For your ease we attach the minutes to this mail. As Committee meetings
are public they are webstreamed and you may find the videos under this


Regulation (EU) No 537/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council
of 16 April 2014 on specific requirements regarding statutory audit of
public-interest entities and repealing Commission Decision 2005/909/EC was
treated in Parliament as procedure no 2011/0359(COD). You find references
to documents related to that procedure in the resp. procedure file on
Parliament's website:


The Commission's proposal, as shows the procedure file, was attributed to
Parliament's Committee for Legal Affairs (JURI) as responsible Committee
and the Committees for Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON), Industry,
Research and Energy (ITRE) and Internal Market and Consumer Protection
(IMCO) for opinion on 15 December 2011. ECON Committee tabled its opinion
on 14 March 2013 after discussions on 15 October 2012 (see procedure sheet
on the last page of the opinion's text:
JURI Committee tabled its report for the Plenary Session on 29 August 2013
after discussions on 25 January 2012, 1 and 26 March 2012, 9 July 2012, 17
September 2012, 26 November 2012, 21 January 2013, 24 April 2013, 16
December 2013 and 20 January 2014. You will find the agendas and documents
tabled for these meetings for the ECON Committee on Parliament's website
as referred to above. For your ease we attach the minutes to this mail. As
mentioned before all Committee meetings are accessible as videos under the
above address as well.


As you can see from the dates both procedures were discussed in parallel
in the ECON and JURI Committees. In both cases the rapporteurs were the
same. As concerns meetings with interest representatives organised by
Parliament the responsible service could identify one public hearing which
took place on 27 March 2012 under the heading "Improving audit quality
across the European Union" within the JURI meeting of 26 and 27 March
2012. You will find the relevant information about the attending
stakeholders in the minutes of that meeting and the resp. video. You may
find further information on the hearing on Parliament's website:
under the resp. date.


ECON Committee held an exchange of views with the chairman of the
International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) during its meeting of 5
November 2012. You find more information on Parliament's website under the
resp. date:
and in the meeting's minutes in attach.


Further information on the two procedures is available in two topical
dossiers established by the JURI Committee:
under the headings "Statutory audits of annual accounts and consolidated
accounts - 2011/0389(COD)" and "Specific requirements regarding statutory
auditing of public-interest entities - 2011/0359(COD)".


Documents from potential meetings organised by Members of the European
Parliament become Parliament's documents only if they are tabled according
to Rule 116(2) of Parliament's Rules of Procedure. No such documents with
relevance to your request could be identified.


Parliament considers your request as handled and the file as closed.
Please do not hesitate to come back to us, should you have any further
request for specific documents.


Sincere regards



European Parliament

Directorate-General for the Presidency








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