Meetings with stakeholders on recovery plans

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From: Lh.Dadci
Corporate Europe Observatory
Rue d’Edimbourg 26
1050 Brussels

Dear Permanent Representation of France to the EU,

Under Loi n°78-753 du 17 juillet 1978 portant diverses mesures d’amélioration des relations entre l’administration et le public et diverses dispositions d’ordre administratif, social et fiscal, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

1) all correspondence (including emails and attachments) between the Permanent Representation of France to the EU and stakeholders regarding National Recovery and Resilience Plans and/or Recovery and Resilience Funds up to the present day;

2) a list of all meetings between the Permanent Representation of France to the EU and stakeholders regarding National Recovery and Resilience Plans and/or Recovery and Resilience Funds up to the present day;

3) minutes of all meetings listed above.

To the extent possible, I prefer the documents in electronic format. Documents that cannot be sent in electronic format should be sent to the address below.

Should my request be denied wholly or partially, please explain the denial or all deletions referring to specific exemptions in the regulation. Also I expect the partial release of documents.

I reserve the right to appeal.

Yours faithfully,

Lala H. Dadci

Je n'ai eu aucune réponse de votre part concernant ma demande d'accès aux informations envoyée dans le cadre de la Loi n°78-753 du 17 juillet 1978 portant diverses mesures d’amélioration des relations entre l’administration et le public et diverses dispositions d’ordre administratif, social et fiscal.
Pouvez-vous m'indiquer le statut de cette requête?
Je vous remercie d'avance,
Lala Hakuma DADCI