Number of amendments to EU Customs Tariffs

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Dear Taxation and Customs Union,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

Dear Taxation and Customs Union,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

The number of amendments made to EU Customs Tariffs. Please could you supply this data with the following headings:

• CN code
• Description of amendment
• Rate of autonomous duty
• Supplementary unit
• Date foreseen for mandatory review
• Date released

Please could you supply this data for all the amendments that have taken place since 25 June 2017.

Do let me know if you have any questions or require any further information on the above at your earliest opportunity.

Yours faithfully,

Megan Porter
Mattison Public Relations
Tel: +44 (0)20 7645 3636

Direction générale de la fiscalité et de l’union douanière

Dear Madam,

Thank you for your request for access to documents.

Unfortunately you have not indicated your postal address that is required for registering and handling your request in line with the procedural requirements. Please send us your full postal address at your earliest convenience. Pending your reply, we reserve the right to refuse the registration of your request.

You may, of course, use directly the electronic form for entering your request:

Best regards,


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Dear Taxation and Customs Union,

The Address is:

3 Quastels House
32 Long Lane

Yours faithfully,

Megan Porter

Direction générale de la fiscalité et de l’union douanière

Dear Madam,

Thank you for your request dated 13/12/2019. We hereby acknowledge receipt of your application for access to documents, which was registered on 17/12/2019 under reference number GestDem 2019/7277.

In accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents, your application will be handled within 15 working days. The time limit will expire on 17/01/2020. In case this time limit needs to be extended, you will be informed in due course.

You have lodged your application via the website. Please note that this is a private third-party website which has no link with any institution of the European Union. Therefore, the European Commission cannot be held accountable for any technical issues or problems linked to the use of this system.

Please note that the private third party running the website is responsible and accountable for the processing of your personal data via that website, and not the European Commission. For further information on your rights, please refer to the third party’s privacy policy.

We understand that the third party running that website usually publishes the content of applicants’ correspondence with the European Commission on that website. This includes the personal data that you may have communicated to the European Commission (e.g. your private postal address).

Similarly, the third party publishes on that website any reply that the Commission will send to the email address of the applicants generated by the website.

If you do not wish your correspondence with the European Commission to be published on the website, you can provide us with an alternative, private e-mail address for further correspondence. In that case, the European Commission will send all future electronic correspondence addressed to you only to that private address.

Yours faithfully,


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Direction générale de la fiscalité et de l’union douanière

Dear Ms Porter,


Your request is rather vague, but we assume that it relates to “autonomous
tariff suspensions”.

The information related to products under “autonomous tariff suspension”
is public and is to be found in Council regulation (EU) No 1387/2013
(Official Journal L 354 of28.12.2013, p.201).


The different amendments (and including a consolidated version), since
2013, are to be found in EURLEX :


Please note, that the request for access to documents can only relate to
existing documents.


Additionally, the products currently under examination are listed on a
Commission website:





Yours faithfully,






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