RPAS and satellite surveillance tenders

En attente d'une révision interne par Agence européenne pour la sécurité maritime a propos de leur gestion de la demande.

Dear European Maritime Safety Agency,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

- Contract documents, referred to tenders launched by EMSA and regarding contracts for RPAS and drone systems for multipurpose surveillance and borders patrol and satellite surveillance. The tenders I'm interested in are the following:
- EMSA/OP/06/2016
- EMSA/NEG/50/2014
- EMSA/OP/15/2013
- EMSA/OP/09/2012
- EMSA/OP/14/2015
- EMSA/NEG/43/2013
- EMSA/NEG/31/2015
- EMSA/OP/11/2016
- EMSA/OP/09/2015
- EMSA/OP/12/2016
- EMSA/OP/1/2018
- EMSA/OP/10/2018
- EMSA/OP/20/2016
- EMSA/OP/06/2018
- EMSA/OP/19/2017
- EMSA/OP/02/2018
Unfortunately, through the data available online, I can't find the final contracts signed by EMSA and the contractors and I miss a lot of information I need to better understand the mission of EMSA in sea patrol. That's why, per each procedure in the shortlist above, I need documents that should include: the technical requests, the tender assignitation, the contracts with the winner (single firm or consortium) of each lot, data regarding the offer of the bidders, the final cost of the service, and the number of RPAS, devices and people involved.
- Per each procedure in the shortlist above, if the contract is closed, In also need assessments documents regarding the conclusion or the ongoing contract of RPAS and drone systems services, the main results, the achievement and the purposes of the mission and relevant data, e.g.: numbers of flight hours; final cost of the mission; numbers of people involved; numbers of immigrants patrolled by EMSA RPAS, unauthorized operations. The list of documents should include correspondence with other European agencies, e.g. Frontex, and with European Member States Authorities that benefited from EMSA missions.
- Per each procedure in the shortlist above: Privacy and data retention policies of the personal data collected by RPAS per each mission, data storage time and policies, agreement regarding the responsibility of the data. The list of documents should include: EMSA or contractors DPIA; correspondence with other European institutions, e.g. EDPS.

Yours faithfully,

Luca Zorloni

Dear European Maritime Safety Agency,
I filed an access to documents request more than two weeks ago, regarding EMSA's RPAS and satellite surveillance tenders. My request has not yet been acknowledged or registered.

Please could you confirm that you have received my request and that it will get processed soon?

Thank you in advance.

Yours faithfully,

Luca Zorloni

Dear European Maritime Safety Agency,
I filed an access to documents request more than one month ago, regarding EMSA's RPAS and satellite surveillance tenders. My request has not yet been acknowledged or registered and it seems you are completely ignoring it, in violation of European Union Transparency Legislation.

Please could you confirm that you have received my request and that it will get processed soon?

Thank you in advance.

Yours faithfully,

Luca Zorloni

Yours faithfully,

Luca Zorloni